Affordable Europe: Barcelona(原文連結)
Published: April 22, 2007
對於西班牙存在我腦海裡的刻板印象不外乎下列幾項:鬥牛,跟牛比賽跑的節日,佛朗明哥舞,巴塞隆納奧運,Paul Gasol(NBA 灰熊隊球員)艷陽高照,西班牙無敵艦隊(雖然台灣以前的歷史課本強調的是他被英國打敗哪段) 塞萬提斯與他的作品堂吉訶德
Don Quixote,西班牙海鮮飯裡面要放番紅花(旅遊頻道美食節目看的) 還有我三年級第二外語想修西文,可是練不會打前舌怎麼辦!
Barcelona is the ultimate walking city. So much can be seen from the street — from Gaudí's modernist treasures to the wild social scene along the open boulevards — flâneurs can momentarily forget that this is the most expensive city in Spain. Still, there are a number veritable steals to be had in this Mediterranean city.
ver·i·ta·ble (vĕr'ĭ-tə-bəl)
Being truly so called; real or genuine: “Her tea … was set forth with as much grace as if she had been a veritable guest to her own self” (Mary Wilkins Freeman).
flâ·neur (flä-nûr')
An aimless idler; a loafer.
[French, from flâner, to idle about, stroll, of Germanic origin.]
Where to Stay
Travelers have long believed there are only two options for sleeping in Barcelona: backpacker hostels or luxury high rises, and never the twain shall meet. Challenging that premise, the Chic and Basic company (,) gives travelers three low-cost options: hotel, hostel and rental apartments sprinkled across downtown from Born (carrer Princesa, 50;, 34-93-295-4652) to Plaza Catalunya (Calle Tallers, 82; 34-93-302-5183) to Gotico (Calle Estruch, 20;34-93-200-2588.). Hostel rates start at 75 euros for a double; 55 euros for a single (about $102 and $75 at $1.36 to the euro); the hotel goes up a notch to between 110 and 210 euros per night. All rooms are very bright, very white — with an eye to sound design (iPod docks and television music channels) and basic needs, which in the jargon of Euro-travelers means bottles of water, plasma televisions and Internet access. In the hotel and hostel, there are small shared kitchenettes. Just down the street from Chic and Basic Born, Ciutat Barcelona (Carrer Princesa, 35; 34-93-269-7475;, has minimalist rooms with tall French windows that begin at 95 euros with free high-speed Internet connections and plasma TVs. A roof deck has an itty-bitty pool. A few new apartment rental companies provide Ikea-basic apartments for two to four people in high-end locations. At the newcomer Decimononico (Calle Pescatería, 1; 34-93-319-1661; apartment rentals in Born begin at 65 euros a person for a double.
長久以來遊客們相信在巴塞隆納過夜只有兩種選擇:背包客青年旅館或是豪華頂級旅館,是永遠不相容的兩個極端.the Chic and Basic公司挑戰這個迷思,給遊客三種經濟的選擇:建了飯店,青年旅館及出租公寓散佈於
Born (carrer Princesa, 50;, 34-93-295-4652)到 Plaza Catalunya (Calle Tallers, 82; 34-93-302-5183)還有 Gotico (Calle Estruch, 20;34-93-200-2588.) 青年旅館從雙人房一晚75歐元起跳;單人房則是55歐元(1歐元兌1.36美金時,約102美金與75美金);飯店則更高一等級每晚從110-220歐元不等.所有房間都很明亮很潔白—設計中還包含了音響部份(iPod的船塢:外接音響,及音樂頻道)以及其他基本需求,以歐洲遊客的專業術語來說包含了瓶裝水,電漿電視還有網際網路.在飯店與青年旅館裡有共用的小型廚房.順著Chic and Basic Born所在這條街向下走,Ciutat Barcelona (Carrer Princesa, 35; 34-93-269-7475;,提供有著高法國式窗戶的簡約風格房間,包含免費高速上網及電漿電視,每晚95歐元起跳.頂樓有個很小的泳池.有些新的出租公寓公司則在高級地段提供適合2到4個人住的˙Ikea風公寓.新公司Decimononico (Calle Pescatería, 1; 34-93-319-1661; 再Born一個給兩人住的公寓每晚每人65歐元起跳.
twain (twān)
n. & adj. & pron.
[Middle English tweien, twaine, from Old English twēgen.]
prem·ise (prĕm'ĭs)
n. also prem·iss (prĕm'ĭs)
1. A proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn.
2. Logic.
1. One of the propositions in a deductive argument.
2. Either the major or the minor proposition of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is drawn.
sprin·kle (sprĭng'kəl) pronunciation
v., -kled, -kling, -kles.
1. To scatter in drops or particles: sprinkled sugar on the cereal.
2. To scatter drops or particles on.
3. To intersperse with something as if by scattering: sprinkled his speech with quotations.
4. To distribute or intersperse at random.
eye to, with an
With a view of, with a plan for. For example, With an eye to expansion, we'll have to be careful with expenses, or She always operates with an eye to the future. [Late 1300s]
min·i·mal·ist (mĭn'ə-mə-lĭst)
1. One who advocates a moderate or conservative approach, action, or policy, as in a political or governmental organization.
2. A practitioner of minimalism.
1. Of, relating to, characteristic of, or in the style of minimalism.
2. Being or providing a bare minimum of what is necessary.
Where to Eat
Away from the crowds in the popular L'Eixample area you'll find cutting-edge and affordable Me, (Carrer de Paris, 162; 34-93 4194-933; a seven-month-old hybrid of New Orleans, Vietnamese and Catalan cooking created by Thang Pham. A four-course lunch menu is 14 euros. At Mosquito (Carders, 46; 34-93-268-7569), tucked away on a Born side street, tapas for 2 to euros apiece are made with an Indian or Asian twist. The Museum of Contemporary Art (Macba) flipped the neighborhood around Carrer Doctor Dou and brought in some cool new restaurants. Carmelitas (Carrer Doctor Dou, 1; 34-93-412-4684) is a lofty space with basement prices for traditional Catalan tapas. On the Barceloneta waterfront, hole-in-the wall Bar Venta Manchego draws a daytime crowd seeking big plates of fried sardines (6.50 euros) and other seafood specialties.
離開熱門的L'Eixample區人群遠處,你可以找到又棒又經濟的Me(Carrer de Paris, 162; 34-93 4194-933;,一家剛開幕七個月由Thang Pham一手打造提供綜合紐澳良式,越式及加泰羅尼亞式料理的餐廳.一套四道菜的午餐要價14歐元.在Mosquito (Carders, 46; 34-93-268-7569),位於Born的側街這間餐廳大快朵頤,印度或亞洲風味的tapa每片從2歐元起跳.Museum of Contemporary Art (Macba)當代藝術博物館帶動了Carrer Doctor Dou附近的發展並帶來了些很酷的新飯店.Carmelitas (Carrer Doctor Dou, 1; 34-93-412-4684) 是個以低消費享受加泰羅尼亞式tapa卻很高檔的地方.在Barceloneta港區,不顯眼的Bar Venta Manchego白天吸引了許多喜愛大盤炸沙丁魚的及其他海鮮特殊料理的客群.
Cutting edge has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: the position of greatest advancement; the leading position in any movement or field
Synonyms: vanguard, forefront
Meaning #2: the sharp cutting side of the blade of a knife
Synonym: knife edge
tuck away or into
1. Informal.
2. To consume (food) heartily.
loft·y (lôf'tē, lŏf'-)
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
1. Of imposing height.
2. Elevated in character; exalted.
3. Affecting grandness; pompous.
4. Arrogant; haughty.
hole in the wall
A small, modest, or obscure place, as in My new apartment is just a hole in the wall, or Believe it or not, that little hole in the wall is a great restaurant. This graphic term is often used disparagingly. [First half of 1800s]
Where to Shop
If you happen to hit the city during the July sales, you can find designer clothing at 80 percent off retail prices. Last July at high-end Como Agua de Mayo (Carrer Argentería, 43; 34-93-310-6441), which sells hot new Spanish, Basque and Catalan designers (like Miriam Ocariz), a red leather clutch was marked down 85 percent. For those looking for unusual women's wear, newcomer Garden (Carrer Escudellers, 56; sells one-of-kind designer jackets and A-line skirts, for a mere 30 euros apiece. Along Carrer Avinyo, small shops display everything from schlock to designer at wallet-friendly prices.
如果你剛好在七月拍賣的時候來這個城市,你可以買到用零售價2折出售的設計師品牌服飾.去年七月在高級的 Como Agua de Mayo (Carrer Argentería, 43; 34-93-310-6441), 有著最新最流行的西班牙風,巴斯克風及加泰羅尼亞風設計師的產品,一只Miriam Ocariz的紅色皮革提包打到1.5折.對那些追求特殊品味女裝的顧客來說,新的賣場Garden (Carrer Escudellers, 56;賣風格獨特的設計師外套及A字裙只要不到30歐元一件.沿著Carrer Avinyo路,許多小店鋪陳列各式各樣從便宜貨到設計師品牌的產品.而且定價對你的錢包相當友善.
schlock also shlock (shlŏk) Slang.
Something, such as merchandise or literature, that is inferior or shoddy.
Of inferior quality; cheap or shoddy.
Best Money-Saving Tip
Unlimited travel cards for two to five consecutive days (9.60 to 20.80 euros) can be purchased online ( good for Barcelona's extensive bus, tram and subway network. But before you whip out the credit card, consider the T10 travel card, which buys 10 trips on buses or the metro for only 6.90 euros. Add to that the 20-euro Articket ( and for sale in participating galleries), which buys entry into practically every major art museum and gallery in town.
想對付巴塞隆納昂貴的巴士,街車及地鐵票價,可以上網購買2-5天的不限乘坐次數的旅行卡(但是在你刷卡前,再考慮下T10旅遊卡,可以搭任意10趟巴士或大眾交通工具只要6.9歐元.另外還有20歐元的Articket(www.telentrada.com線上購買或是在有加入的各美術館畫廊購買) 購買這張票非常實惠,可以參觀城裡每個主要的藝術博物館及畫廊.
trolley car
A streetcar.
這篇文章比我想像的要麻煩多了,首先我對於西班牙另外兩種官方語言完全沒有認知,另外這個記者比起前一個寫阿姆斯特丹的喜歡用比較特別的表示法.該說他verbal呢還是wordy.我想我還不夠格評論native speaker寫的文章.不過可以看出平平是阿凸仔,也是有人比較愛賣弄文筆,
36 Hours in Amsterdam
The Claim: Cayenne Peppers Can Cure Headaches (原文連結)
People who suffer from chronic headaches have been known to try all sorts of pills and home remedies. But cayenne peppers?為經常性頭痛所苦的人會去嘗試各式各種的藥和家庭療法.但是紅辣椒?真的還假的?
1. Of long duration; continuing: chronic money problems.
2. Lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases: chronic colitis.
3. Subject to a habit or pattern of behavior for a long time: a chronic liar.
Behind the folk wisdom is capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne. It is said to bring relief by depleting Substance P, a neurotransmitter that helps transmit pain impulses. Sounds unlikely, but a number of studies have tested the claim, and most have found evidence to support it.
de·plete (dĭ-plēt')
To decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out.
One prominent study was published in 1998 in The Clinical Journal of Pain by researchers in the department of anesthesia and critical care at the University of Chicago. In it, the researchers analyzed data from 33 prior studies and found that capsaicin seemed to work better than placebos for headaches occurring in clusters.
prom·i·nent (prŏm'ə-nənt)
1. Projecting outward or upward from a line or surface; protuberant.
2. Immediately noticeable; conspicuous. See Synonyms at noticeable.
3. Widely known; eminent.
a. A substance containing no medication and prescribed or given to reinforce a patient's expectation to get well.
b. An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug.
2. Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.
But simply eating hot sauce isn’t going to help. Most studies suggest that capsaicin works just when applied topically. A study by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital recruited sufferers of chronic headaches and randomly split them. One group had small amounts of diluted capsaicin applied inside the nose for a week. The other received placebo. The study found “a significant decrease in headache severity in the capsaicin group,” but not the placebo group. Other studies, including one this year, published similar results.
不過就直接吃辣椒醬並沒有幫助.大部分研究表示辣椒素只有針對局部使用才有功效.一個Massachusetts General Hospital的研究募集了經常性頭痛的患者把他們隨機分組.在一週的時間裡針對其中一組在鼻子裡用稀釋的辣椒素.另外一組則使用安慰劑.這個研究發現"辣椒素實驗組有明顯的頭痛症狀舒緩",而使用安慰劑的對照組則沒有.其他研究,包含今年的一組都呈現相似的結果.
top·i·cal (tŏp'ĭ-kəl)
1. Of or belonging to a particular location or place; local.
2. Currently of interest; contemporary.
3. Medicine
a. Of or applied to a localized area of the body or to the surface of a body part.
b. Of or relating to a drug applied topically.
4. Of, arranged by, or relating to a particular topic or topics.
di·lute (dī-lūt', dĭ-)
tr.v., -lut·ed, -lut·ing, -lutes.
1. To make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water.
2. To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, especially by admixture.
3. To decrease the value of (shares of stock) by increasing the total number of shares.
Weakened; diluted.
Studies have found that capsaicin may help relieve headaches.
失眠 按按合谷穴,也可用痠痛貼布貼在耳神門穴一整天,幫助入眠
Affordable Europe: Amsterdam By GISELA WILLIAMS Published: April 22, 2007
Amsterdam still harbors a strong bohemian and laid-back spirit, which means affordable options rarely found in other European capitals, from well-priced restaurants to free cultural events. And it's an easy city to navigate, thanks to its small size and the efficient Amsterdam Tourist Board (, which, in contrast to some, is actually tourist-friendly.阿姆斯特丹保有強烈的波希米亞風跟安逸舒適的精神,這也提供了其他歐洲首都少見的經濟選擇.從價位合理的飯店到毋需花費的文藝活動.感謝阿姆斯特丹的小巧及有效率的官方旅客版 (,比起一些其他城市來說,是對旅客真正友善的環境.
Where to Stay for Under 125 Euros
The common complaint about Amsterdam's budget hotels is that they're either too remote, or too close to the noisy Central Station. One exception is the family-owned 36-room Hotel Aalborg (Sarphatipark 106; 31-20-676-0310; Newly renovated, the hotel is the middle of the Pijp neighborhood, a lively area filled with young students, artists and an international mix of affordable restaurants. It's also two blocks from the excellent Albert Cuyp market, where 300-plus stalls offer bargains on everything from furniture to Dutch delicacies. Double rooms start at 69 euros, about $94 at $1.36 to the euro, including breakfast.
這段就很實際,125歐元以下能不能接受見仁見智不過以國民所得比較高的歐美國家應該是便宜吧,對阿姆斯特丹經濟的旅館常見的埋怨不是太遠,就是太接近吵雜的中央車站.有個例外是家庭經營的有36間房的Hotel Aalborg (Sarphatipark 106; 31-20-676-0310;剛重新裝潢過,這家旅館位於 Pijp鄰近地區的中心,充滿年輕學生,藝術家還有各國經濟風味飯店,的一個活力充沛地區.離擁有超過三百家店面什麼都可以講價(從傢俱到荷蘭精緻食物)的Albert Cuyp市場只有兩條街遠.雙人房附早餐由69歐元起跳,以一歐元對1.36美元大概是94美元.
If someone renovates an old building, they repair and improve it and get it back into good condition.
The couple spent thousands renovating the house...
Where to Eat
Don't be put off by the word “squat”: Amsterdam's squat restaurants — volunteer-run kitchens in formerly abandoned buildings — offer a cheap way to break bread with the city's creative underclass. Many are exceptionally well run and clean, and draw a festive crowd. The food tends to be vegan and organic, and some places even offer beer, wine and live music. The best part, however, is the price: a two- to three-course meal runs about 6 euros. Two of the city's most popular squat restaurants are De Peper in the former Netherlands Film Academy (Overtoom 301; 31-20-412-2954;, which serves organic vegan dishes like spring beans over brown rice with roasted miso onions; and Einde van de Wereld (31-20-419-0222;, housed in a floating barge docked on Java Island.
If you're still nervous about eating in a squat, or need some meat with your dinner, try the Belgica (Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 25; 31-20-535-3290;, a new brasserie where a good beef stew or bowl of mussels with excellent Belgian frites won't set you back more than 8 or 10 euros.
別因為"路邊攤"這個字眼而打退堂鼓:阿姆斯特丹的路邊餐館—位於些原先廢棄的建築物中非專業人士自己經營的廚房—提供一種體驗這城市裡有創意的下流社會飲食的經濟方式.有許多這種路邊餐館令人意外的經營良好而乾淨,並吸引不少饕客來光顧.這裡提供的食物傾向比較素食與有機,有些地方甚至提供啤酒,紅酒與現場演奏.不論如何,最棒的部分當然還是價錢 :兩到三道菜的一餐要架大約6歐元.市區最有名的兩家路邊餐館是位於原荷蘭電影學院的De Peper (Overtoom 301; 31-20-412-2954;,提供如春豆糙米加味噌烤洋蔥這類有機素食餐點;另外一家則是Einde van de Wereld(31-20-419-0222;,餐館建在一個停泊在Java Island的大型遊艇上.
如果還是對於在路邊餐館用餐感到不自在,或是晚餐想來點肉食,試試Belgica (Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 25; 31-20-535-3290;,一家新開的小餐館一份很棒的燉牛肉或是淡菜加上很棒的比利時洋芋片只花你大約8到10歐元.
set back
If something sets you back a certain amount of money, it costs you that much money. (INFORMAL)
In 1981 dinner for two in New York would set you back £5.
Where to Shop
Remember when shopping for vintage clothing was fun and cheap? That's still true at shops like Laura Dols (Wolvenstraat 6 and 7; 31-20-624-9066;, a favorite among the thrift-store cognoscenti. It has two locations on Wolvenstraat: No. 7 carries cocktail dresses from the '40s, '50s and '60s, many under 100 euros, as well as a handsome selection of vintage tuxedos and dinner jackets. No. 6, across the street, has bed linens, fur coats and dressy children's clothes. Also popular with fashion stylists is Lady Day (Hartenstraat 9; 31-20-623-5820; For vintage furniture and couture, head to Cornelis Johannes (Willemsparkweg 67; 31-20-616-0184; The inventory changes frequently, so you never know if might find a Mies van der Rohe chair, a Mobach ceramic lamp or a classic Chanel suit.
還記得買晚宴服裝既便宜又開心的日子嗎?像Laura Dols (Wolvenstraat 6 and 7; 31-20-624-9066;這樣二手商店集中區中最熱門的店裡依然保有這樣的樂趣,它在Wolvenstraat(Wolven街)7號的店面展售40,50,60年代的雞尾酒服飾,比方說許多漂亮的酒會燕尾服跟晚宴西裝價格都低於100歐元.對街6號的店面則展售床組,毛皮外套及有品味的童裝,同樣受到時尚者歡迎的還有Lady Day (Hartenstraat 9; 31-20-623-5820;要找適合宴會的家具和高品味設計,就前往 Cornelis Johannes (Willemsparkweg 67; 31-20-616-0184;吧.不時都會有新貨上架,你永遠不知道這次會找到一張Mies van der Rohe 的椅子, 一盞 Mobach 陶瓷造型檯燈或是一套經典的香奈兒小洋裝.
You can use vintage to describe something which is the best and most typical of its kind.
This is vintage comedy at its best.
Urban means belonging to, or relating to, a town or city.
Most of the population is an urban population...
Most urban areas are close to a park.
≠ rural
Best Money-Saving Tip
Dozens of free concerts are being held in Amsterdam this year, from large-scale raves to classical music performances — all part of the city's annual arts festival. Events for this year's “Feel the Rhythm” theme can be found at If you're looking to just chill, bike over to Strand West, probably the city's hippest urban beach. It's free to suntan alongside the beautiful locals on the wide sandy beach, but it'll cost you to buy a drink at the chic indoor lounge.
今年阿姆斯特丹舉辦了非常多的免費音樂會,從大型的銳舞派對到古典音樂演奏—全屬於年度藝術節的一部份.今年的主題"Feel the Rhythm"感受旋律可以在 www.amsterdammusicdance.com找到活動詳細內容.如果你只想輕鬆一下,可以騎單車到Strand West,大概是本市最嘻哈的市郊海灘.在寬廣海灘上在漂亮的當地俊男美女邊一起曬太陽是免費的,不過如果要進去時尚的室內lounge還是得花杯飲料錢的入場費.
If one thing is alongside another thing, the first thing is next to the second.
He crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park...
ADJ (這裡ch發sh音,可能又是來自法語的外來字)
Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated.
Her gown was very French and very chic.
= stylish
36 Hours in Amsterdam
Really?: The Claim: A Glass of Warm Milk Will Help You Get to Sleep at Night(原文連結)
Few foods have a reputation for curing insomnia quite like warm milk.沒錯,溫牛奶在幫助睡眠食物排行榜就算不是榜首也是名列前茅吧!
reputation :
1.To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it.
e.g.Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.
2.Something's or someone's reputation is the opinion that people have about how good they are. If they have a good reputation, people think they are good.
e.g.The stories ruined his reputation.
insomnia :Someone who suffers from insomnia finds it difficult to sleep.
(是的就是這個字,金歹睏,睏未去 的英文)
According to age-old wisdom, milk is chock full of tryptophan, the sleep-inducing amino acid that is also well known for its presence in another food thought to have sedative effects, turkey.
Something that is chock-full is completely full. (INFORMAL)
e.g.The 32-page catalog is chock-full of things that add fun to festive occasions.
But whether milk can induce sleep is debatable, and studies suggest that if it does, the effect has little to do with tryptophan.
To have any soporific effect, tryptophan has to cross the blood-brain barrier. And in the presence of other amino acids, it ends up fighting — largely unsuccessfully — to move across.
soporific: adj
1. Inducing or tending to induce sleep.
2. Drowsy.
n.A drug or other substance that induces sleep; a hypnotic.
drowsy :adj., -i·er, -i·est.
1. Dull with sleepiness; sluggish.
2. Produced or characterized by sleepiness.
3. Inducing sleepiness; soporific.
One study by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology demonstrated this in 2003. The study, which was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that eating protein-rich foods — like milk — decreased the ability of tryptophan to enter the brain.
2003年麻省理工學院的針對這個做了一個研究報告.這個報告在The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition上發表,顯示出吃高蛋白質的食物— 如牛奶 — 會降低色氨酸進入腦中的能力.
The trick, the study showed, is to eat foods high in carbohydrates, which stimulate the release of insulin. Insulin, in turn, makes it easier for tryptophan to enter the brain.
But surveys have found that many people swear by milk as a sleep aid, and that may have something to do with psychology.
Scientists say the routine of drinking a glass of milk before bed can be as soothing as a favorite old blanket.
A glass of warm milk may make you drowsy, but not because of tryptophan.
Affordable Europe: City Guides(原文連結)
歐洲的風情相信是許多人也許是大多數人旅遊的首選(不考慮旅遊天數跟花費的情況下,我的心聲),這篇NYT的文章標題給大家一線希望,真的有這麼好康的事嗎?以文案的觀點來看這個企劃已經贏了一大半了,Affordable Europe(負擔得起的歐洲)+15個主要都市(Amsterdam,Barcelona,Berlin,Brussels,Budapest,Copenhagen,Florence,Istanbul,London,Moscow,Paris,Prague,Rome,St. Petersburg,Vienna)光是就吸引搜尋引擎就是個Super Hit了吧!大多數的人都只有有限的假跟有限的錢,有空進去看看所謂的affordable是怎樣的affordable吧!請大家先點閱原文連結去欣賞原文,15個城市不是開玩笑的,應該已經是我本月的quota了吧.
Yes, the euro remains strong, but you don't have to max out your credit card to indulge in some of Europe's timeless luxuries. From stylish hotels that won't break the bank, to offbeat boutiques favored by local bargain hunters, the correspondents and contributors of The New York Times offer money-saving tips for visiting 15 major European cities. You can also read suggestions from other Times' readers and share your own tips on visiting Europe affordably.
說真的看到這個標題真是太吸引我了,當初想去德國玩耍還學了一陣子,現在只剩下"Guten Tag. Ist da noch frei?Du bist sehr schoen."(德文:日安,這裡有人坐嗎?你真漂亮,搭訕句總是要學下.)而且到目前為止沒踏上過歐洲的土地,把這裡面每個城市都唸一遍並介紹是我的心願,不過這些介紹完,這個月應該就過去了,而且好像變成旅遊頻道,很多其他我覺得有趣的文章只好繼續向後推了.
Don’t Open This Cookie (Disastrous Day Inside)(原文連結)
辣媽辣妹,那個造成靈魂互換的關鍵就是fortune cookie)中看過,似乎美國的中國餐館都有這玩意,奇怪的是在台灣我從沒遇過,這篇有趣的文章主要在討論fortune cookies 裡面籤文內容的變化及影響.
The messages in fortune cookies are typically vague, banal and optimistic. But some cookies are now serving up some surprisingly downbeat advice.
“Today is a disastrous day. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” reads one fortune showing up around the country.
“It’s over your head now. Time to get some professional help,” advises another.
As the messages, contained in cookies made by Wonton Food in Queens, have spread across the country, some diners have registered their reactions online. As a result, the company has a marketing challenge on its hands.
這家生產fortune cookie的公司Wonton食品它生意遍布全美國,有些顧客在線上發表他們對籤文的觀感,這家公司有個行銷上的挑戰要面對.
One blogger, who got the “professional help” fortune, wrote: “I shot the audacious baked item a dirty look and proceeded to eat it. And I hope it hurt.”
Bernard Chow, marketing coordinator at Wonton Food, says he had not set out to insult anybody when he asked his team of freelance writers to come up with some new messages.
“We wanted our fortune cookies to be a little bit more value-added,” Mr. Chow said. “We wanted to get some different perspective, to write something that is more contemporary.”
Wonton Food, the largest fortune cookie maker in the country, produces about 4.5 million cookies a day. The company made headlines in 2005 when 110 people won about $19 million in the Powerball lottery after playing a “lucky number” sequence from the back of a Wonton fortune.
Wonton has a catalog of 10,000 fortunes, and about a quarter of them are in rotation at any given time. It introduced 600 new ones several months ago, including about 150 in the popular “fortune-telling” category. Other message categories are humor, motivational sayings, riddles and translated Chinese idioms. “They can’t be offensive, got to be positive, and rated G,” said Derrick Wong, vice president for sales at Wonton.
But, he added, as customers requested more fortunes with actual predictions rather than cryptic sayings, the writers removed their rose-colored glasses.
“It’s very hard to come up with more fortunes,” Mr. Wong said. “Some people may not like them.”
Some diners complained; others searched for meaningful explanations.
Was one writer having a bad day? (“Perhaps you’ve been focusing too much on yourself.”) Were the cookies giving voice to worries about the economy or terrorism? (“There may be a crisis looming, be ready for it.”)
be looming: If a worrying or threatening situation or event is looming, it seems likely to happen soon. (JOURNALISM)
e.g. Another government spending crisis is looming in the United States...
e.g. The threat of renewed civil war looms ahead.
e.g. ...the looming threat of recession.
Mr. Chow characterized the new fortunes as “cautious” rather than negative, and said he had received complaints about only two messages so far. One was the “disastrous day” note. The other said: “Your luck is just not there. Attend to practical matters today.”
Wonton plans to remove those two from circulation, Mr. Chow said, adding that he welcomes customer feedback about the others.
“I got some people saying that you’re making people think, and that’s good,” he said. "But I have people writing to me saying that it’s not positive enough.”
Most people who receive one of the downbeat fortunes don’t take them too seriously. Karyn Turnbull, 33, an education software designer in Austin, Tex., said her fiancé had been warned about a “disastrous day” when they celebrated their engagement at the Chinese restaurant where they had their first date.
大部分抽到比較觸霉頭的籤文的人不會太認真.Karyn Turnbull, 33歲,一個住在德州奧斯汀的教育軟體設計師說,當他們在他們第一次約會的中國餐廳慶祝訂婚時,他的未婚夫抽到"災難日"那張籤文.
“He laughed and said if he had gotten them before, he might not have proposed,” Ms. Turnbull said.
"他笑著說如果他之前就抽到,他也許就不會求婚了," Turnbull 小姐說.
所以下次吃fortune cookie前先深呼吸一下,避免被接下來面對的人生衝擊太大.
"古來雖有死,好在不先知." 福禍相依,就抱著左眼跳喜右眼跳財的態度過人生吧!
附上我用COLLINS 查的單字
The Claim: Hookahs Are Safer Than Cigarettes (原文連結)As cigarette bans have proliferated in recent years, hookah lounges have become a popular alternative, in part because the flavored smoke is believed to be less harmful than cigarette smoke. But research suggests otherwise.近幾年來推廣禁止吸煙的範圍不斷變大,水煙Lounge變成一個受歡迎的另類選擇.有部份是因為這些加味的煙被相信比香煙來得要無害,不過研究卻告訴我們並非如此.
動詞(V):To ban something means to state officially that it must not be done, shown, or used.
e.g. Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year. 加拿大今年稍後將在所有辦公室禁止抽煙.
名詞(N):A ban is an official ruling that something must not be done, shown, or used.
e.g. The General also lifted a ban on political parties. 這位將軍也對政黨下了禁令.
proliferate 這個字如果要用成語來形容就是數量成長的速度有如雨後春筍一般.
(V)If things proliferate, they increase in number very quickly. (FORMAL)
e.g. Computerized data bases are proliferating fast... 電腦化資料庫的數量成長快速
e.g. fears that nuclear weapons might proliferate. 害怕核子武器的擴散
It is true that in hookahs, also known as water pipes, the smoke is often flavored and filtered through water. The problem is that people who use hookahs typically inhale far more smoke than cigarette smokers, exposing them to potentially higher levels of nicotine, carbon monoxide and other chemicals. Most studies show that small water pipes produce the highest levels of carbon monoxide, followed by cigarettes and then large water pipes.
inhale: When you inhale, you breathe in. When you inhale something such as smoke, you take it into your lungs when you breathe in.
e.g. He took a long slow breath, inhaling deeply...
e.g. He was treated for the effects of inhaling smoke.
≠ exhale
Inhale deeply.(大大的吸口氣) Exhale deeply.(大大的吐口氣)
One extensive report on hookahs was published in 2005 by the World Health Organization. It found that in a single smoking session, cigarette smokers typically took 8 to 12 puffs and inhaled 0.5 to 0.6 liters of smoke over five to seven minutes. In contrast, hookah smokers may take 50 to 200 puffs of up to a liter of smoke each during a single session.
puff:If someone puffs at a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they smoke it.(吸口煙的動詞就這個字,不過依前後文不同有時會特指吐煙)
e.g. He lit a cigar and puffed at it twice...
e.g Richard lit another cigarette and puffed smoke towards the ceiling...
e.g The weather was dry and cold; wisps of steam puffed from their lips.
“The water pipe smoker may therefore inhale as much smoke during one session as a cigarette smoker would inhale consuming 100 or more cigarettes,” the report said.
Hookahs can be just as hazardous as cigarettes.
The Claim: Regular Use of Hot Tubs Can Hurt Fertility in Men(原文連結)
For years, doctors have warned men having trouble conceiving to stay away from hot baths and whirlpool tubs, saying there was reason to suspect that long exposure to hot water could worsen their problems.
Much of that was based on speculation. But earlier this year, a team of urologists at the University of California, San Francisco, conducted a study to measure and document the extent, if any, of this effect. The researchers did confirm the link, and then they discovered something surprising.
The study looked at a group of men who were regularly exposed to high water temperatures, meaning for about 30 minutes a week, through hot tubs or hot baths.
All the men showed signs of infertility, with impaired sperm production and motility.
impair:If something impairs something such as an ability or the way something works, it damages it or makes it worse. (FORMAL)
e.g. Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery...
What was unexpected was how quickly this infertility could be reversed. The researchers found that after the men stopped their exposure to wet heat, half had “a mean increase in total motile sperm counts of 491 percent after three to six months.”
Among the men who did not see such a reversal, the researchers speculated that tobacco use, a known “gonadotoxic” habit, was to blame. Most of those men were chronic smokers.
Regular exposure to hot tubs can hurt male fertility, though the effects can be reversed.
古人顯然沒有.infertility 的困擾,生活困苦沒熱水洗吧.
The Claim: Twins Always Skip a Generation (原文連結)這篇文章來自NYT的Health中的一個系列,標題總是以"Really?The Claim:....."來帶出主題,有點像那種日本節目專門問生活中不易被發現的小常識或傳聞,然後以Facts帶出正解.我個人覺得相當有趣.
People with twins in their extended families may wonder whether a crib for two is in their future, too.
If you wonder about something, you think about it, either because it interests you and you want to know more about it, or because you are worried or suspicious about it.
有時候在句子中有"不知道"三個字的時候我們會直覺的用I don't know, we don't know ...這類的某些時候語意很接近,但是有時候其實要表達的意思用wonder這個字表達可能會更接近我們要表達的意思
I wondered what that noise was...
I didn't know what that noise was...
這兩句乍看好像都表達我不知道那是什麼噪音,但是前一個句子除了有不知道外還帶有猜測的語氣.可以試試在會話中練習使用這個字.在看電影或是美劇時也可以注意一下,通常說I wonder....除了表示自己不知道的狀態還會帶出質疑詢問對方的語氣.
According to conventional wisdom, twins not only run in families, but they also — for some strange reason — always skip at least one generation. It is a claim that is widely repeated, but only partly true.
"According to conventional wisdom"很類似中文中常說根據老祖宗流傳下來的智慧;這裡提供個最近我們文學課常用的用語,在文字還沒發明不發達或是非正式記載的場合,我們所謂的口耳相傳可以說"According to oral tradition".
Scientists have known for some time that there is a gene that can predispose women to hyperovulation, or releasing two or more eggs in a single menstrual cycle. When both eggs are fertilized, the resulting siblings are fraternal twins. Because this gene can be passed on, the tendency to have fraternal twins can in fact run in families.
Identical twins, on the other hand, result from one fertilized egg randomly splitting in two, creating two siblings with identical DNA. Because there is no known gene that influences this process, it is considered a mere coincidence when one extended family has multiple sets of identical twins.
sibling:One of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.雖然有點正式的字,不過自我介紹或是介紹別人家族成員時除了說brothers and sisters外有另外的選擇,比方說
His siblings are mostly in their early twenties... 他的兄弟姐妹大多都20出頭
fertilized egg 受精卵,這個字我總會聯想到另一個字 fertile提供給大家參考,這個字的英文有一部分解釋念起來蠻有趣節錄在下面
1.Land or soil that is fertile is able to support the growth of a large number of strong healthy plants.
...fertile soil.
2.A person or animal that is fertile is able to reproduce and have babies or young.
The operation cannot be reversed to make her fertile again.
Doctors will tell you that pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.醫生會跟你說祇有懷孕才是百分之百準的測試你會不會生.
infertility, 不孕infertile不孕症
mere:You use mere to emphasize how unimportant or inadequate something is, in comparison to the general situation you are describing.
這個字是不重要不足夠的意思,在我們這篇文章裡也點出那些特例不足以列入考慮,這個字特別在哪呢?它沒有比較級,而它的最高級merest其實只是更強調這個多不重要,也不會拿來當做比較.所以不要寫 The merest of....這種句子.文法上也許是對的,不過句子本身不太正確.
The notion that twins always skip a generation is also a myth. The illusion may have arisen because men who inherit the gene from their mothers are unaffected by it ( they do not ovulate), but can still pass it on to their daughters, who, in turn, will have an increased likelihood of conceiving twins.
Twins can run in families, but do not necessarily bypass generations.
Topless Girls! (And Other Things Far Too Wildly Hilarious to Mention)(原文連結)台灣片商根據劇情把這部片命名為"倒數第二個男朋友".,這部片是以限制級在台灣上映,看NYT這篇影評的標題,會讓人覺得這個很值得一看,為什麼?大家都知道,當然是為了Jessica Alba ,衝著標題上的"Topless Girls!",女神艾芭也,讓人充滿了憧憬不是嗎?
不過相信以前混過光華商場,曾經為了不輕易破壞與女性同胞純真情誼,將體力與金錢花在日本妹動作片的宅男們都了解,光碟封面與內容常常是有出入的.你問我說難道這部片裡面會沒有艾芭女神的鏡頭嗎?當然不可能這樣騙錢,不過Topless Girls!可不是Topless Jassica!如果只是打算去看潔西卡艾芭裸露鏡頭的話,可能會大失所望,至於Topless Girls(複數也),看過婚禮終結者 Wedding Crashers的可以回想一下,那個大概不到5分鐘的胸部花絮,基本上應該是差不多的手法,藉由前段的養眼畫面,來鋪陳對比這個喜劇後續的追求真愛,強調其實性不是所有,大部分的美式性喜劇不管前面多麼酒池肉林多麼沉溺於感官的享樂,都還是會導向一個道德上的正途而不至於離經叛道.畢竟,商業片還是要賺錢,引來輿論的撻伐或是衛道人士的抗議對票房並沒有好處.
從這個標題Topless Girls! (And Other Things Far Too Wildly Hilarious to Mention)看來,似乎這位影評覺得這片真是太好笑了,這個在形容喜劇片常用的字一定要介紹一下.
If something is hilarious, it is extremely funny and makes you laugh a lot.
例句:We thought it was hilarious when we first heard about it...
The weather is too hot to work. (天氣太熱了,所以無法工作。)
It's too dangerous to drive fast on the busy roads. (在交通忙碌的街道上開快車,實在是太危險了。)
I’ve occasionally heard Dane Cook, one of the stars of “Good Luck Chuck,” described as a comedian. I find this confusing, since my understanding is that comedians are people who say and do things that are funny. Perhaps Mr. Cook is some new kind of conceptual satirist whose shtick is to behave in the manner of a person attempting to be funny without actually being, you know, funny. Or maybe he answered an ad in the back of a magazine and sent away for a mail-order license to practice comedy.
"我無意間聽說Dane Cook是個喜劇演員,我對此感到困惑,從我的認知喜劇演員是說話或是行為好笑的人."可真嚴厲,雖然後面有說也許他屬於那類試圖搞笑但是並不真正搞笑的,不過最後的比喻超級狠.回答了雜誌封底的問題並回函申請一張表演喜劇的執照.
Whether Jessica Alba, his co-star, acquired her acting credentials by similar means is an issue that will be addressed if she ever tries to act. To be fair (but why?) she does expend a little effort in “Good Luck Chuck,” pretending to be goofy and clumsy, doing stuff like running into a metal pole, catching her skirt in a car door and upending a tray of dentist’s instruments.
很顯然的,艾芭女神的美色沒有讓影評對他好點,他質疑Jassica是否有試著去用演技詮釋(if she ever tries to act.),
"acquired her acting credentials"意指爭取對他演技的認同,by similar means is an issue同樣(跟男主角類似的情況)令人爭議
我只能說作者真是壞,The author is really good at mocking.他對取笑人很有一套.他說好吧公平點(為什麼要?),Jassica有那麼一點點努力在片中表現 goofy和clumsy(這兩個字用來形容喜劇角色算是種稱讚),做些撞柱子,裙子被車門夾住,打翻東西的表演.所以女主角也被說的一文不值.
goofy:If you describe someone or something as goofy, you think they are rather silly or ridiculous. (INFORMAL)
clumsy:A clumsy person moves or handles things in a careless, awkward way, often so that things are knocked over or broken.
But the main audience for this dim little sex comedy has no particular interest in seeing Ms. Alba act. They want to see her in her underwear and also to confront one of the central cultural questions of our time: will she take her top off?
然後作者大大的嘲諷了這部片,片中有很多沒有名氣的女星露胸部,讓這部片成為有訂閱Maxim卻沒有網路的年輕人必看的片(這傢伙嘴真是毒).觀眾中相當大部分應該都是幻想能跟艾芭女神上床的傢伙.不過這些付了費的消費者會像之前某部紀錄片"The Game"(抱歉這個我常識不夠請去原文連結看)的觀眾一樣 -- 以為也許有機會看到(who think they might really have a shot).
依這位影評的看法這部片顯示了即使是低俗搞笑劇(lowbrow comedy)也需要技巧與智慧.這部片卻只提供了乳房笑話,陽具笑話並充斥了無新意的點子.
Chuck (that would be Mr. Cook) suffers under a curse that causes every woman he goes to bed with to fall in love with the next guy who asks her out.
最後一句,影評毒舌的傑作.But if the logic of “Good Luck Chuck” holds, the next movie I see should be a masterpiece.


Russell Crowe Revitalizes Remake of Cowboy Classic '3:10 To Yuma'(原文連結)看電影跟看報紙都是許多老師推薦的學英文管道之一,不過最近學業跟工作占了生活很大部分的時間,不知道10月5號上映的這部9月11日美國週末票房冠軍片我有沒有辦法去戲院看,在這裡把他的影評節錄介紹一下.
在這裡先介紹美國之音VOA的Hollywood報導,VOA主要報導電影的影劇報導記者Alan Silverman,如果要找他的文章,可以在VOA網頁右上角搜尋打silverman或是打片名,不過根據我的經驗,用片名找有時候那個搜尋會不準確,好像全文檢索寫得不是很好,不妨用silverman 進去搜尋再配合上映日期去搜尋,反而效果比較好.
Silverman的報導不屬於special English,也就是說他是以正常的速度的英語來播報,不過依我個人的經驗,不看原稿先聽個兩到三遍應該可以抓到6-7成的意思,因為已經先知道主題也會對聽的理解力有幫助,這裡會建議可以先花個約20分鐘.然後再看網頁上的原文,某些直接聽無法確定的字,聽了幾次後會有"謎底揭開,原來是你這傢伙的感覺",除了加深對這個字或片語的印象外,有時候我們聽不懂的情況是這個字或片語跟前後相鄰字的連讀,形成我們不熟悉的連續音節,先聽再看也幫助我們去感受將對這種音節組合的反應內化.對以後再次聽見或是類似音節組合的反應都有幫助.
我們中文作文有各種破題的起頭方式,英文也有,Mr. Silverman再這裡用了一個他蠻愛用的手法,用主角的對比性突顯出劇情的衝突性,也吸引我們向下看他的簡介.
A decent but down-on-his-luck cowboy faces off against a charismatic and deadly outlaw in a new take on a classic Hollywood western co-starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. Alan Silverman has a look at 3:10 to Yuma.
A decent but down-on-his-luck cowboy,我們的課本中對等連接詞and的例子不少,but的卻不多,我自己在這幾年看了老外用這種寫法覺得很簡潔,不過自己寫作文倒是常會寫成 He was a decent cowboy, but lately he was down on his luck.大家不妨試試看遇到要用but去連結兩個子句時,是不是其實有贅字的嫌疑,有時候可以這樣寫.
"face off"大家一定想到變臉,其實變臉的片名是個雙關語,一方面"to take one's face off"點出了那個換臉皮的情節,另一方面我們來看看他的英文解釋:start a game by a face-off.而face-off這個複合名詞的解釋是"A face-to-face, usually hostile meeting: confrontation, encounter." "A method of starting play in ice hockey, lacrosse, and other games in which an official drops the puck or ball between two opposing players who contend for its control."面對面的衝突,像冰上曲棍球之類的運動開球的正面衝搶.
這個破題我個人覺得很精采,因為他用了四個形容詞還有這樣的動詞去鋪陳整個戲劇衝突,正直運氣不好的牛仔跟充滿魅力的亡命之徒正面衝突.我們在很多賣座片如變臉,無間道都看見了這種張力的運用.再加上Russell Crowe 和 Christian Bale兩大性格男星的名字.看來應該會讓電影迷心甘情願的掏出口袋裡的錢.
根據我聽Mr.Silverman的電影報導的經驗,有些心得提供給大家參考,因為他會把片中的對白跟報導訪問剪輯在一起,所以有時候比較天外飛來或是聽不清楚的其實是電影裡的片段,不用被這幾段挫折了信心,因為有時候沒有前後文,就算是老美自己有時候也會丈二金剛摸不著腦袋;次外就是一般來說除了他自己對劇情跟人物的簡介外,還會訪問幾個劇中的要角,這篇裡面他就訪問了Russell Crowe,Christian Bale還有導演James Mangold.通常導演講的比較複雜.聽這些明星說話去辨識他們的口音跟聲音我覺得也是聽這個系列的一種趣味.
"a new take on a classic Hollywood western",其實這部片是重拍50年前的經典西部片.Christian Bale說他會去看原著短篇故事也會去看其他版本的電影,有些人怕看了之前別人的表現會被限制影響,不過他不怕.導演James Mangold拍過Walk The Line (爲你鍾情)還有 Girl, Interrupted(女生向前走),這次嘗試西部片也是相當神奇的,接受訪問時他表示,雖然故事背景設定在1883,西部仍然充滿了許多今日世界的關聯映射.他提到了關於美國的焦慮,政治迫害,宗教迫害,人性的殘酷面,大企業對小個體的欺壓,藉由這樣的一種表現方式來突顯很多美國現今的一些政治議題,但是,他補充,這部片永遠不會被視為是部具爭議性的影片,因為它不存在現代的政治板塊且用一種象徵抽象的方式表現.
不,我不會的,記得小學時候看布袋戲我最愛的角色是"刀鎖金太極",長大後發現原來是因為那首出場音樂,那首來自克林伊斯威特主演荒野三鏢客中大師Ennio Morricone的無敵配樂,我會帶著我一貫的熱血硬派態度期待一場男人的西部龍爭虎鬥.
Yankees 12, Orioles 0
Boston Series Behind Them, Yankees Have Sox in Sight (原文連結)

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Mike Mussina after striking out Aubrey Huff to end the seventh. from NYT | Doug Mientkiewicz in the eighth inning. He hit a three-run homer in the fourth. from NYT |
Mike Mussina has always believed that a good pitcher wins about half of his starts. Last night was the 500th start of Mussina’s career, and he won for the 249th time. Not quite half, but Mussina, clearly, is a good pitcher again.
The resurgent Mussina twirled seven shutout innings against the free-falling Baltimore Orioles, leading the Yankees to a 12-0 romp that pulled them two and a half games behind the Boston Red Sox in the American League East.
"1.Experiencing or tending to bring about renewal or revival.2.Sweeping or surging back again."
"You use resurgent to say that something is becoming stronger and more popular after a period when it has been weak and unimportant. (FORMAL)"
"To win a race or game easily."
"Journalists use romp in expressions like romp home, romp in, or romp to victory, to say that a person or horse has won a race or competition very easily."
eg, Mr. Foster romped home with 141 votes. Foster先生以141票大勝.
"We still have work," Manager Joe Torre said. "We won’t allow ourselves to get caught up in what people will assume is a foregone conclusion."
Joe Torre當然說他們要繼續努力,不讓一般人認為結果已定的假設侷限住他們.
foregone conclusion
- An end or a result regarded as inevitable: The victory was a foregone conclusion. See Usage Note at foregone.
- A conclusion formed in advance of argument or consideration.
If you say that a particular result is a foregone conclusion, you mean you are certain that it will happen.
eg, Most voters believe the result is a foregone conclusion...
Mussina : 38歲 生涯247勝 英雄遲暮
Back as a Starter, Mussina Helps Yanks Win Seventh Straight

Mike Mussina allowed no runs
in five and two-thirds innings.
Standing comfortably before his locker, smiling and joking after winning the 248th game of his career, Mike Mussina savored the smaller victory he had achieved. Simply put, he said, it felt good to contribute again."
這裡的participial phrase部分,"
Standing comfortably before his locker, smiling and joking after winning the 248th game of his career,",似乎在我們的眼前描繪出畫面,讓我們想像穆西納站在他的衣櫃前輕描淡寫對我們說他這得來不易的第248勝.對248勝的老穆來說這場5又2/3局不失分,被打5支安打,送出一K及3次保送的勝投.對照過往的輝煌紀錄中當然是微不足道.這裡用了
If you savour an experience, you enjoy it as much as you can.","
If you savour food or drink, you eat or drink it slowly in order to taste its full flavour and to enjoy it properly."來描述他對這場勝投的感覺.不只是回味還細細品嚐,真的有寒日飲冰水,點滴在心頭那種味道,"
Simply put",老將還是保持他王牌的冷靜姿態,說很高興能對球隊有貢獻.
"We’ve got to keep winning ballgames," Mussina said. "We can’t afford to send somebody out there who’s going to give up six or seven runs in the first three innings."
"I think I just reminded them that I’m still here and I think I can still pitch,” Mussina said. “Hopefully, the guys making those decisions will give me a chance to get back out there a couple more times."提醒教練團他還在而且他覺得自己還能投.希望那些做決定的給他個機會讓他還能再上場個幾次,聽老穆這樣說還真是有點淒涼.
"Reliever Joba Chamberlain threw 35 pitches, his high for the Yankees, and after a 1-2-3 seventh, he gave up the first run of his career after 16 scoreless innings. It came on a two-out error by third baseman Alex Rodriguez, who threw away a ground ball."Chamberlain中繼投出35球,在洋基出賽最多的一次,完成三上三下的第七局後,他16局無失分的紀錄中止了,雖然不是自責分.由A Rod 在兩人出局後發生的失誤造成.不過無失分的紀錄還是中斷了.
"Ninety-nine times out of 100, Al makes that play," Chamberlain said. "We won the game, and that’s all that matters."
Back as a Starter, Mussina Helps Yanks Win Seventh Straight.
straight:Uninterrupted; consecutive
sick for five straight days; their fourth straight victory.
This time was different. Starting on Wednesday because of the elbow injury to Roger Clemens, Mussina shut out the Toronto Blue Jays over five and two-thirds innings, lifting the Yankees to a 4-1 victory that ran their winning streak to seven.
winning streak
A series of consecutive successes, a run of good luck, as in Our son-in-law has been on a winning streak with his investments. This expression comes from gambling. [Mid-1900s]
Mussina : 38歲 生涯247勝 英雄遲暮
Alex, a Parrot Who Had a Way With Words, Dies
Alex, a 31-year-old African gray parrot, knew more than 100 words and could count and
recognize colors and shapes. "
He knew his colors and shapes, he learned more than 100 English words, and with his own brand of one-liners he established himself in TV shows, scientific reports, and news articles as perhaps the world’s most famous talking bird."
"Scientists have long debated whether any other species can develop the ability to learn human language. Alex’s language facility was, in some ways, more surprising than the feats of primates that have been taught American Sign Language, like ....."
科學家一直以來對於其他物種是否有學習人類語文的能力爭辯不休.Alex突出的表現比那些靈長類的實驗對象要更令人吃驚.我忽略了原文中提到的金剛跟黑猩猩.facility這裡的用法讓我們看看英英字典的解釋,"The ability to perform without apparent effort: ease, easiness, effortlessness, facileness, readiness." 強調它的語言學習能力是多麼突出.比原先大家覺得跟人類更近的靈長類遠親更好.
But by using novel methods of teaching, Dr. Pepperberg prompted Alex to learn about 150 words, which he could put into categories, and to count small numbers, as well as colors and shapes. “The work revolutionized the way we think of bird brains,” said Diana Reiss, a psychologist at Hunter College who works with dolphins and elephants. “That used to be a pejorative, but now we look at those brains — at least Alex’s — with some awe.”
這是很有趣的一段,Dr.Pepperberg用創新的教導方式,讓Alex學會了150個單字,讓他可以分類,可以數數,可以分辨顏色與形狀.這裡的novel當形容詞用,"Strikingly new, unusual, or different. See synonyms at new."
另一位實驗動物是海豚跟大象的心理學家打趣的說的話很有趣,“The work revolutionized the way we think of bird brains,” said Diana Reiss, a psychologist at Hunter College who works with dolphins and elephants. “That used to be a pejorative, but now we look at those brains — at least Alex’s — with some awe.” 這改變了我們對鳥類大腦的想法,pejorative的意思是"A pejorative word or expression is one that expresses criticism of someone or something."原本在英文裡面鳥的腦是用來形容人笨的,腦小的跟鳥的腦一樣是用來虧人的.下面有兩個有趣的記載.
birdbrain n. Slang
A person regarded as silly or stupid.
You Bird Brain!
( . . . well?)
If someone calls you a bird brain, they're trying to say you ain't too smart. Real bird brains are not very big. The brain of a songbird, for example, weighs just about 1 gram. A human brain weighs 1300 grams (about 3 pounds). Proportionate to the size of it's body, however, a bird's brain is just about the right size.
“You be good, see you tomorrow. I love you.”
After Long Dispute, a Russian Starbucks
The first Starbucks in Russia opened Thursday in a mall near Moscow. The company was slow
to enter this market, initially because of the economy and later because of a trademark squatter.
這篇文章是2007年9月7日NYT的world business版的新聞,俄羅斯的第一家星巴克直到2007年9月6日才開幕說真的還蠻讓我意外,首先我印象最深刻的是照片裡那個俄文的Starbucks Coffee,這很有趣,台灣並沒有出現綠色的"星巴克咖啡"招牌,不知道有沒有熟日本的朋友可以告訴我們,日本有依外來語慣例用片假名寫在招牌上嗎?還是俄羅斯大鬍子仍然有些冷戰時對美國的心結不喜歡斗大的英文字招搖.

第一段整個是一句,說實在有時候看到一些Native Speaker寫的句子會讚嘆說人家就寫得出這種句子,不是說很複雜或是很多難字就漂亮,像這個句子,
"With the hiss of an espresso machine and a note in Russian explaining the meanings of “tall,” “grande” and “venti,” Starbucks opened its first coffee shop in Russia on Thursday in a mall in this city near Moscow."
星巴克會這麼晚才進入近幾年經濟蓬勃發展的俄羅斯(多蓬勃,從我有多後悔沒買霸菱東歐基金可以看出來),作者把這來龍去脈做了一個交代,原來1997年星巴克就已經去註冊商標,但是沒想到1998年俄羅斯發生金融危機,盧布重貶.所以星巴克都沒去展店,直到2002年俄羅斯經濟再次翻身,這時候本文中的一個重要角色Sergei A. Zuykov就出現了,他向俄羅斯當局申請撤銷星巴克連鎖的註冊,因為該商標在俄羅斯未做商業應用,然後他把Starbucks註冊在他莫斯科的公司名下,直到2005年俄羅斯加入WTO爲了與國際智財權標準接軌,他才輸掉官司.
"The opening sealed a victory for the company in a fight with a trademark squatter who had kept Starbucks from coming to Russia for more than three years, just as a coffeehouse culture was emerging here. Starbucks refused to pay the squatter to yield the Starbucks name in Russia and eventually prevailed in court."
這裡也很佩服星巴克不願意向不合理屈服的精神(雖然它是全球化被詬病的大商家之一),他爲了這個商標訴訟進入俄羅斯市場晚了超過三年,600,000美金對星巴克其實不算什麼,如果和解它三年應該賺回不知幾倍吧.這裡作者用 trademark squatter 來稱呼這種去侵占註冊商標權的人,字典上的解釋"A squatter is someone who lives in an unused building without having a legal right to do so and without paying any rent or any property tax." 星巴克不願付錢而且最終討回公道.字典對prevail的解釋"If one side in a battle, contest, or dispute prevails, it wins." 雖然贏了官司,不過三年無法進入這個市場,星巴克的經營者應該心裡在淌血吧.
價錢方面這篇報導帶給我們相當驚人的資訊,"In Russia, the prices are a reflection of the oil-driven economic boom here. A tall filter coffee costs 75 rubles, or about $2.92. The most expensive item on the menu was a venti mocha, for 230 rubles, or about $8.96. A venti mocha at Starbucks in New York costs $4.71."
"Despite this setback, which allowed competitors a head start, Starbucks said it saw plenty of room for more coffee shops in Russia. Ms. Pucik, the Starbucks spokeswoman, cited data from Euromonitor International, a market research company, showing that Moscow has one coffeehouse for every 3,187 people. New York has one for every 365 people, and Paris one for every 126."
當然三年才去開第一家,競爭者都趕在前頭了,不過星巴克說俄羅斯市場還有很大的空間.發言人引用Euromonitor International這個市場研究公司的資料,紐約每365人一家咖啡店,巴黎每126人一家,莫斯科目前每3,187人才一家.這麼說來台北的星巴克還不算太稠密呢.
最近廣為網路上及對岸學英文同好討論的所謂慢速英語,其實是VOA(Voice of America)美國之音裡面的一部分,Special English,在這裡簡單引用一下Wikipedia的敘述介紹美國之音如下
美國之音(Voice of America,VOA)成立於1942年,是美國政府的對外廣播電臺與電視台。每天以44種語言,每星期超過1,300小時向世界各地廣播。內容包括新聞時事、專題節目、英語教學節目、美國流行音樂,與反映美國政府立場的社論。它是最為大眾所熟知的國際廣播。美國之音強調自己的新聞報導力求準確、客觀、全面。

Special English根據網站上的記載,於西元1959年10月19日首播,目的是用清楚且簡單的英文對英語非母語的聽眾廣播,而這些節目很快的成為VOA最受歡迎的一些節目,幫助英文不流利的人們學習美式英文,了解美國生活並提供世界新聞及發展的資訊.
Special English有三大特點:

現在可以下載mp3,所以可以說是你可以隨時去聽,再這裡推薦一個用VOA Special English來讓功力大增的方式,因為速度比較慢且閱讀者將每個字都咬得很清楚,很適合聽寫法或是對岸說的逆向學習法.這個也許很花時間但是成效是很大的.節錄對岸的逆向學習的作法在最後讓大家參考一下(不過那真的太操了,我個人沒做到那麼徹底).我個人簡化及修改的流程供大家參考:
3.根據VOA提供的Script修正剛剛自己寫的.然後跟著念個幾遍(幾遍,看你的時間,我個人覺得不用背誦,念熟也很夠了,背熟的時間不如再多聽 寫一篇),查文章中的生字及文法句型,跟自己以前所學對照.
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首先要來介紹一下NYT,"The New York Times",這個歷史悠久的著名媒體已經有很多名家介紹過,什麼文辭優美言論精闢之類的,先借用博客來書店上賣紐約時報英文解析的介紹一下,
除了以上這些特點外,如果要培養閱讀能力我個人強力推薦大家上NYT網站.首先,成為會員是不用錢的,這個是電子出版物的一大創舉,依目前實體出版品尤其是報紙雜誌節節敗退的情勢, 轉型為電子媒體也許是不得不的趨勢,成為免費會員可以看除少數付費文章外幾乎全部的文章,將收入源由訂閱與實體廣告刊登大舉轉換到網路廣告,有看過一位很優秀的網友的文章提到,NYT要成為一個PORTAL先天上是很有優勢的,因為它本身就是一個很豐富的content provider.
接下來我個人的將小小的閱讀及使用心得野人獻曝一下,NYT網站有個讓目前在進修部拼老命跟小朋友K英文的我非常稱讚的功能.測試步驟非常簡單,首先進入NYT網站,根據分類或是直接看頭條都好,選出一篇你有興趣的文章,然後點進去欣賞一下高水準照片後,向下開始讀本文,如果你是看完一篇都沒有單字的高手,那....這功能你可能用不到.好,讓我們忘了那些雲端上的朋友,繼續我們的NYT之旅,當你看到一個難字(不舉實例,因為怕大家發現我的程度),在那個字上面Double Click(如果有出現阻擋彈出式視窗請先解開,NYT的廣告並不會是煩死人的炸彈不停彈出,而且總是會有可以Skip的按鍵).然後神奇的事情就會發生了,如下圖
在生字上Double Click就會出現英英字典解釋跟同義字

一般的字大多而言會出現Dictionary, Thesaurus, WordNet三個部份
我個人雖然在電腦上有裝了Collins跟Longman兩個版本的英英字典不過要停下來Ctrl+C ,Ctrl+V去看字典的定義例句還是在操作上跟閱讀上不順暢.這個功能對你的閱讀不會打斷太多,可以好好的讀完一個段落再切換視窗看剛剛查的字.平常會停下來翻字典會覺得整個念起來不痛快,現在可以好好的把文章順暢的念個幾遍,然後再慢條斯里的用瀏覽器回到上一頁跟下一頁來慢慢K剛剛不懂的單字,此外跟NYT合作的英英字典The American Heritage? Dictionary 也提供了線上發音.英英字典一開始用會有點痛苦,不過用習慣了會有很大幫助,不用太過擔心解釋中又有難字,基本上編字典的人的邏輯也不會用更難的字去解釋一個生字,字典的功能就是讓我們用另外較簡單較常見的字去做字的定義,不是嗎?
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VOA Special English篇
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看人在辦公伙兒 看人在覓相找
伊定定跟阮說 叫阮著要好好仔讀冊
在彼個時陣 阮攏聽攏嘸 阿嬤 妳到底是在講什麼
大漢了後 才知影阿嬤的話 我會甲永遠永遠放塊心肝底
想到一步一步的過去 定定攏會乎人真難忘
時間一分一秒塊過去 在阮的心內定定攏會想到伊
阿嬤妳今嘛在叨位 阮在叫妳妳甘有聽到
阮的認真甲阮的成功妳甘有看到 阮在叫妳妳知影沒
阿嬤妳今嘛過的好麼 甘有人塊甲妳照顧
希望後世人阮擱會凍來乎妳疼 作妳永遠的孫仔
Yankees 10, Mariners 2
Big Inning for Yanks Is Bigger for Rodriguez 
Alex Rodriguez is going somewhere fast, and he has no time to admire the scenery. In a blistering seventh inning last night, Rodriguez matched and passed the Hall of Famer Mel Ott on the career home run list, tying Ernie Banks and Eddie Mathews in the process. A Rod快速的向更高的境界前進快到沒有時間停下來欣賞路邊的風景,這場比賽的第七局一眨眼他的生涯全壘打數超越了全壘打名人堂裡的Mel Ott,追平了Ernie Banks與Eddie Mathews.
這局的第一轟讓洋基跟水手2-2平手,第二轟帶領洋基以10-2獲勝,這也是Joba Chamberlain的生涯首勝.A Rod本季這場比賽為只敲了48轟,生涯512轟.當洋基拉大他們與水手在美聯外卡的勝場差時,A Rod爭奪MVP的希望也越來越濃厚.
The next Hall of Famers for Rodriguez to catch are Ted Williams and Willie McCovey, with 521 home runs. That would require Rodriguez to match his season high of 57, but almost nothing seems impossible for him this year.A Rod在生涯全壘打數的下個里程碑是512轟,不過這需要他這一季能追平他生涯最多的57轟,但是今年對ARod來說幾乎沒有什麼是不可能的.
Rodriguez’s two homers in the seventh made him the first Yankee to homer twice in an inning since Cliff Johnson did it on June 30, 1977. The others to do it are Joe DiMaggio in 1936 and Joe Pepitone in 1962.第七局的這兩轟使A Rod成為1977年以來第一位單局雙轟的洋基隊員,在這之前洋基隊也只有 Joe DiMaggio在1936跟 Joe Pepitone 在1962完成過這項創舉.

Hughes, who had struggled lately, allowed two runs and five hits over six innings, striking out six before Chamberlain’s scoreless seventh.
另外一件令洋基迷開心的應該是昨天Phil Hughes的表現,很明顯有符合之前大家對他的期許,雖然最後他沒取得勝投,不過失2分5安打6K的投球內容相當不錯了.
Manager Joe Torre and coaches reminded Hughes of that in recent days, encouraging him to be more aggressive and use all his pitches. Hughes did that effectively, showing an occasional slider and changeup to go with a lively fastball and a curve he threw at various speeds.
Torre跟投手教練最近指點Hughes鼓勵他更積極具侵略性用出他各種的投球,Hughes這場球的確有效的做到了,交替使用滑球跟變速球搭配他的快速球與不同速度的曲球.6次的三振都是揮棒落空K掉.“His fastball had more life because he threw it with more conviction,” Torre said. “He wasn’t trying to make the perfect pitch. He trusted it more tonight.” Torre的評論也許正說明了Hughes之前是因為太在意要投好才失常吧.
Still, with the former Angel Jarrod Washburn tormenting the Yankees as usual, Hughes left trailing, 2-1. Through six, Washburn had allowed hits to only one Yankee — catcher José Molina, his former teammate, who homered in the third and doubled in the sixth. The Yankees wasted that chance when Washburn struck out Melky Cabrera and got Jeter to ground out. But he could not sneak a 3-2 fastball past Rodriguez leading off the seventh. Rodriguez blasted it high over left-center field to tie the score, 2-2.
不過其實水手的先發投手前天使隊的Jarrod Washburn投的並不差應該說還投得很不錯,到第6局洋基從他手中打出的唯一安打是捕手Molina的陽春砲.不過第7局跟A Rod纏鬥到滿球數後被A Rod打出左外野偏中的的第一轟.基本上他前六局表現也是超優質先發,作者用了torment這個字依慣例來看看解釋,If something torments you, it causes you extreme mental suffering.另外還有If you torment a person or animal, you annoy them in a playful, rather cruel way for your own amusement. 所以昨天看比賽前六局都還很擔心洋基又要吞敗,畢竟大家都希望阿民挺進季後賽繼續發光發熱.
接下來連環火炮的描述我不多說,請大家看原文原汁原味的敘述,總之一堆安打,得分的敘述,這裡有個詞來分享一下Sean Green walked Jorge Posada to force in the go-ahead run.這位中繼投手保送了Posada擠回了超前分.超前分就是go-ahead run,嗯,怎麼覺得有點賴世雄老師附身.
With a hearty lead, Chamberlain took the rest of the game off. He has worked 12 1/3 scoreless innings to start his career, the most for a Yankee since Jim Bouton reeled off 15 in a row as a rookie in 1962.
喜歡Chamberlain的應該也相當滿意這場的結果,他已經連續12又1/3局無失分,1962年Jim Bouton新人15局無失分以來最長的紀錄.不過這次不同的是他還有個額外的獎勵就是賺到了場勝投.新人的第一次總是新鮮,他說當Rivera無失分投完第九局把比賽球拿給他時都還狀況外,壓根沒想到那是他大聯盟首勝的紀念球呢.
The difference this time was that Chamberlain was rewarded with a victory. But he said he did not realize it until Mariano Rivera gave him the game ball after Rivera pitched a scoreless ninth.
“I didn’t know what I was getting the ball for,” Chamberlain said. “The game was over and the ball was in my hand. That makes it a little extra special.”
Yankees 12, Mariners 3
Yanks Unleash 20-Hit Barrage on Mariners

Alex Rodriguez slid safely into third but winced in pain after Seattle’s Adrian Beltre fell on him.
Wang, who allowed five hits and a run in seven and a third innings, started the season on the disabled list and did not win until May 5. That is especially notable because his victory last night tied him with Boston’s Josh Beckett for the major league lead, with 17. " 主投7又1/3局,被打五隻安打失一分.季初被列在傷兵名單,在5/5前沒贏得任何一勝.更特別的是這場勝投讓他跟紅襪的Beckett以17勝並列大聯盟勝投王.
"The most productive hitter in the majors was wincing in pain in the dirt near third base last night in the seventh inning, grabbing his right leg. If there was a way to bring tension to a blowout, an injury to Alex Rodriguez was it."
雖然這場洋基強力砲擊秀對洋基迷來說非常振奮人心,但是主砲A Rod在這場比賽中受傷的傷勢是大家注目的焦點,如果折損主砲那影響可不是開玩笑的,個人還很期待他本季的50轟畫面.希望他沒有大礙繼續把球擊出牆外.
Visited by Yankees Manager Joe Torre and a trainer, Rodriguez rose and stayed in, scoring the Yankees’ seventh run in a 12-3 rout of the Seattle Mariners. A crowd of 52,487 — plus another frisky squirrel perched atop the right-field foul pole — watched Bobby Abreu, Robinson Cano and Jorge Posada collect four hits apiece to lift Chien-Ming Wang to another victory.
Torre跟訓練員看過A Rod情況後,A Rod站起來繼續比賽,跑回本場第7分.52487個觀眾加上一隻過於活潑爬上右外野標竿的松鼠,見證了阿布(假裝跟Bobby Abreu很熟),Cano,Posada各自得分幫助阿民邁向另一場勝投.
"The left-handed Ramirez humbled the Yankees in May, allowing a run over six and a third innings, and the Yankees’ left-leaning lineup has struggled lately. The left-handed hitters Abreu, Cano, Johnny Damon, Jason Giambi and Hideki Matsui had been 6 for 64 in the previous four games."
水手這場先發的左投Ramirez(這名字MLB實在超多的)上次五月與洋基的對戰讓洋基吃鱉,6又1/3局只失一分,最近洋基的左打部隊又打得不順手.Abreu, Cano, Johnny Damon, Jason Giambi and Hideki Matsui 再這之前的四場居然是64支4.這裡作者用了humble這個字,我們常見它當形容詞用解釋為謙卑或卑微,讓我們看下Collins字典中對於humble當動詞用的闡述If you humble someone who is more important or powerful than you, you defeat them easily. 因為洋基是公認的強權所以作者用這個字非常微妙而恰到好處.有小蝦米吃大鯨魚的味道.貼個字典上的例句
Honda won fame in the 1980s as the little car company that humbled the industry giants...
不過昨天洋基的左打者甦醒了,加上主砲火力全開"But the Yankees chased Ramirez in the sixth, with Rodriguez launching a homer about 10 rows high in the third deck in left field. It was the 510th home run of Rodriguez’s career, and it gave the Yankees a 2-0 lead." A Rod生涯的第510轟打上了左外野看台上三樓的第10排.這給了洋基2-0領先,接下來Posada,松井,Cano,Betemit的安打讓分數來到4-0.
這對阿民來說已經太夠了,"That was enough of a cushion for Wang, who got grounders for his first six outs and induced double-play grounders to end the fifth, sixth and seventh innings."開賽的前六個出局數都是滾地球出局以及在5,6,7局都以雙殺來終結,整個宰制了比賽.

Johnny Damon made sure a
foul ball by Seattle’s Ben Broussard
in the ninth inning landed in
his glove instead of in the stands.
Johnny Damon沒收界外球的美技
Yankees 9, Devil Rays 6
Kennedy’s Debut a Success for Yankees

寫這篇文其實隱含的投資報酬率是很高的,如果Ian Kennedy之後失敗了,那我記載了一個消逝的彗星;如果他成功了,那我目睹了巨星的誕生.
這篇的作者是Judy Battista, 是不知道是不是Tyler Kepner休假代班,我查了下Judy小姐的作品似乎以NFL居多,不同的作者也讓我們看看不同的風格.
Ian Kennedy, who made his first major league start yesterday, sat in the Yankees’ clubhouse a few hours before his first pitch at Yankee Stadium, focusing on one thing: Don’t be in awe. One by one, the players he had seen on television came by to shake his hand, and when Johnny Damon approached, Kennedy greeted him with wide-eyed wonder.
美夢成真的場景很多,不過上大聯盟當先發投手,無疑是超級稀有又珍貴的經驗.在Ian Kennedy登板前的幾個小時,想必他的心情一定非常複雜."Don’t be in awe."讓我們看看awe這個字的英文解釋"If you are awed by someone or something, they make you feel respectful and amazed, though often rather frightened." 讓你敬畏,這對Kennedy的心情真的是最佳寫照.
登板投球前另一個震撼教育來了.真可是令我羨慕到不行的震撼教育."One by one, the players he had seen on television came by to shake his hand, and when Johnny Damon approached, Kennedy greeted him with wide-eyed wonder." 一個接一個這些電視上看過的球員來和他握手,當他看見Johnny Damon走過來時訝異得張大了眼睛.這個不知道是因為他很喜歡Johnny Damon還是因為Johnny Damon打第一棒.要是我可以跟洋基第一棒到第九棒握手的話我應該會開心到睡不著吧.然後穿件白底色洋基條紋T-shirt讓他們全部幫我簽名.以上是我的白日夢,有夢最美,對吧.
22歲的Kennedy前面的路還很長,他目前適應的不錯,驚滔駭浪的初登場以洋基9比3打敗水手作收.這也保證他有第二次先發的機會."Working methodically, Kennedy held the Devil Rays to three runs, one earned, in seven innings." Kennedy的投球風格被用methodically 形容,非常有條不紊且穩定的投球內容,我想是他這場球受到大家欣賞的地方.
這裡插播一段文法提醒,這種前面放動名詞片語的句子,他的主詞必須要跟後面的主要子句相同,是誰Working methodically,是Kennedy所以這句是沒有問題的,這裡從書上抄個錯誤的例子給大家看.
Hearing a number of entertaining stories,our visit was thoroughly enjoyable.
這句話就有問題,是誰Hearing,以語意上來看是we而不是our visit.所以這個句子要正確可以改成
Hearing a number of entertaining stories, we had a thoroughly enjoyable visit.
He grew stronger and his control finer as the game and the Yankees’ lead lengthened, retiring the side in order in the seventh inning and striking out his final batter, Josh Paul, on three pitches. When Kennedy walked into the dugout after the seventhinning, his new teammates engulfed him in handshakes of congratulations. He said he got chills.
Kennedy is not an overpowering pitcher like his fellow rookie Joba Chamberlain, although Kennedy’s first pitch was clocked at 96 miles an hour, a number he laughed at and attributed to adrenaline. “The first inning felt like an out-of-body experience,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy不是同梯新人Joba Chamberlain那種火球人,雖然測速槍測到他的第一球達到96 m.p.h.他自己笑稱那是腎上腺素的功勞,第一局整個像是靈魂出竅一樣.
球探報告裡強調Kennedy超乎常人的沉穩而他這場比賽也沒令人失望,大聯盟比賽瞬息萬變,A Rod幫他打了兩分領先,後來又失誤讓他遇到一陣亂流.不過失兩分後他仍能穩住陣腳.
“It comes back to his poise,” Torre said of Kennedy. “He seemed very prepared to pitch this game. You had to be impressed.” "他回到他原有的沉穩," Torre 對Kennedy這樣評論. "他對投這場比賽看來胸有成竹,讓人印象深刻."
有趣的意氣之爭還沒結束,A Rod在第三局要上場打擊時,魔鬼魚的教練以牙還牙的要求檢查他的棒子,A Rod本身不置可否,不過接下來A Rod每次打擊都似乎在呼應說,"換了棒子結果呢?一樣每次打擊都打出去." A Rod這場比賽四支三有兩支是新棒子打的,其中包括一支2分打點的2壘安打.