2007年10月25日 星期四


Affordable Europe: Amsterdam By GISELA WILLIAMS Published: April 22, 2007


Amsterdam still harbors a strong bohemian and laid-back spirit, which means affordable options rarely found in other European capitals, from well-priced restaurants to free cultural events. And it's an easy city to navigate, thanks to its small size and the efficient Amsterdam Tourist Board (www.amsterdamtourist.nl), which, in contrast to some, is actually tourist-friendly.
阿姆斯特丹保有強烈的波希米亞風跟安逸舒適的精神,這也提供了其他歐洲首都少見的經濟選擇.從價位合理的飯店到毋需花費的文藝活動.感謝阿姆斯特丹的小巧及有效率的官方旅客版 (www.amsterdamtourist.nl),比起一些其他城市來說,是對旅客真正友善的環境.

Where to Stay for Under 125 Euros

The common complaint about Amsterdam's budget hotels is that they're either too remote, or too close to the noisy Central Station. One exception is the family-owned 36-room Hotel Aalborg (Sarphatipark 106; 31-20-676-0310; www.aalborg.nl). Newly renovated, the hotel is the middle of the Pijp neighborhood, a lively area filled with young students, artists and an international mix of affordable restaurants. It's also two blocks from the excellent Albert Cuyp market, where 300-plus stalls offer bargains on everything from furniture to Dutch delicacies. Double rooms start at 69 euros, about $94 at $1.36 to the euro, including breakfast.

這段就很實際,125歐元以下能不能接受見仁見智不過以國民所得比較高的歐美國家應該是便宜吧,對阿姆斯特丹經濟的旅館常見的埋怨不是太遠,就是太接近吵雜的中央車站.有個例外是家庭經營的有36間房的Hotel Aalborg (Sarphatipark 106; 31-20-676-0310; www.aalborg.nl).剛重新裝潢過,這家旅館位於 Pijp鄰近地區的中心,充滿年輕學生,藝術家還有各國經濟風味飯店,的一個活力充沛地區.離擁有超過三百家店面什麼都可以講價(從傢俱到荷蘭精緻食物)的Albert Cuyp市場只有兩條街遠.雙人房附早餐由69歐元起跳,以一歐元對1.36美元大概是94美元.
    VERB V n
    If someone renovates an old building, they repair and improve it and get it back into good condition.
            The couple spent thousands renovating the house...

Where to Eat

Don't be put off by the word “squat”: Amsterdam's squat restaurants — volunteer-run kitchens in formerly abandoned buildings — offer a cheap way to break bread with the city's creative underclass. Many are exceptionally well run and clean, and draw a festive crowd. The food tends to be vegan and organic, and some places even offer beer, wine and live music. The best part, however, is the price: a two- to three-course meal runs about 6 euros. Two of the city's most popular squat restaurants are De Peper in the former Netherlands Film Academy (Overtoom 301; 31-20-412-2954; www.depeper.org), which serves organic vegan dishes like spring beans over brown rice with roasted miso onions; and Einde van de Wereld (31-20-419-0222; www.eindevandewereld.nl), housed in a floating barge docked on Java Island.

If you're still nervous about eating in a squat, or need some meat with your dinner, try the Belgica (Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 25; 31-20-535-3290; www.belgica.nu), a new brasserie where a good beef stew or bowl of mussels with excellent Belgian frites won't set you back more than 8 or 10 euros.
別因為"路邊攤"這個字眼而打退堂鼓:阿姆斯特丹的路邊餐館—位於些原先廢棄的建築物中非專業人士自己經營的廚房—提供一種體驗這城市裡有創意的下流社會飲食的經濟方式.有許多這種路邊餐館令人意外的經營良好而乾淨,並吸引不少饕客來光顧.這裡提供的食物傾向比較素食與有機,有些地方甚至提供啤酒,紅酒與現場演奏.不論如何,最棒的部分當然還是價錢 :兩到三道菜的一餐要架大約6歐元.市區最有名的兩家路邊餐館是位於原荷蘭電影學院的De Peper (Overtoom 301; 31-20-412-2954;www.depeper.org),提供如春豆糙米加味噌烤洋蔥這類有機素食餐點;另外一家則是Einde van de Wereld(31-20-419-0222;www.eindevandewereld.nl),餐館建在一個停泊在Java Island的大型遊艇上.

如果還是對於在路邊餐館用餐感到不自在,或是晚餐想來點肉食,試試Belgica (Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 25; 31-20-535-3290; www.belgica.nu),一家新開的小餐館一份很棒的燉牛肉或是淡菜加上很棒的比利時洋芋片只花你大約8到10歐元.
set back
        If something sets you back a certain amount of money, it costs you that much money. (INFORMAL)
        In 1981 dinner for two in New York would set you back £5.

Where to Shop

Remember when shopping for vintage clothing was fun and cheap? That's still true at shops like Laura Dols (Wolvenstraat 6 and 7; 31-20-624-9066; www.lauradols.nl), a favorite among the thrift-store cognoscenti. It has two locations on Wolvenstraat: No. 7 carries cocktail dresses from the '40s, '50s and '60s, many under 100 euros, as well as a handsome selection of vintage tuxedos and dinner jackets. No. 6, across the street, has bed linens, fur coats and dressy children's clothes. Also popular with fashion stylists is Lady Day (Hartenstraat 9; 31-20-623-5820; www.ladydayvintage.com). For vintage furniture and couture, head to Cornelis Johannes (Willemsparkweg 67; 31-20-616-0184; www.cornelisjohannes.nl). The inventory changes frequently, so you never know if might find a Mies van der Rohe chair, a Mobach ceramic lamp or a classic Chanel suit.


還記得買晚宴服裝既便宜又開心的日子嗎?像Laura Dols (Wolvenstraat 6 and 7; 31-20-624-9066; www.lauradols.nl)這樣二手商店集中區中最熱門的店裡依然保有這樣的樂趣,它在Wolvenstraat(Wolven街)7號的店面展售40,50,60年代的雞尾酒服飾,比方說許多漂亮的酒會燕尾服跟晚宴西裝價格都低於100歐元.對街6號的店面則展售床組,毛皮外套及有品味的童裝,同樣受到時尚者歡迎的還有Lady Day (Hartenstraat 9; 31-20-623-5820; www.ladydayvintage.com).要找適合宴會的家具和高品味設計,就前往 Cornelis Johannes (Willemsparkweg 67; 31-20-616-0184; www.cornelisjohannes.nl)吧.不時都會有新貨上架,你永遠不知道這次會找到一張Mies van der Rohe 的椅子, 一盞 Mobach 陶瓷造型檯燈或是一套經典的香奈兒小洋裝.
        You can use vintage to describe something which is the best and most typical of its kind.
                This is vintage comedy at its best.

        Urban means belonging to, or relating to, a town or city.
                Most of the population is an urban population...
                Most urban areas are close to a park.

         ≠ rural

Best Money-Saving Tip

Dozens of free concerts are being held in Amsterdam this year, from large-scale raves to classical music performances — all part of the city's annual arts festival. Events for this year's “Feel the Rhythm” theme can be found at www.amsterdammusicdance.com. If you're looking to just chill, bike over to Strand West, probably the city's hippest urban beach. It's free to suntan alongside the beautiful locals on the wide sandy beach, but it'll cost you to buy a drink at the chic indoor lounge.


今年阿姆斯特丹舉辦了非常多的免費音樂會,從大型的銳舞派對到古典音樂演奏—全屬於年度藝術節的一部份.今年的主題"Feel the Rhythm"感受旋律可以在 www.amsterdammusicdance.com找到活動詳細內容.如果你只想輕鬆一下,可以騎單車到Strand West,大概是本市最嘻哈的市郊海灘.在寬廣海灘上在漂亮的當地俊男美女邊一起曬太陽是免費的,不過如果要進去時尚的室內lounge還是得花杯飲料錢的入場費.
        If one thing is alongside another thing, the first thing is next to the second.
                He crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park...

        ADJ (這裡ch發sh音,可能又是來自法語的外來字)
        Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated.
                Her gown was very French and very chic.
        = stylish


36 Hours in Amsterdam

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