2007年9月14日 星期五


Back as a Starter, Mussina Helps Yanks Win Seventh Straight
(原文連結)Mike Mussina allowed no runs
in five and two-thirds innings.

"Standing comfortably before his locker, smiling and joking after winning the 248th game of his career, Mike Mussina savored the smaller victory he had achieved. Simply put, he said, it felt good to contribute again."


這裡的participial phrase部分,"Standing comfortably before his locker, smiling and joking after winning the 248th game of his career,",似乎在我們的眼前描繪出畫面,讓我們想像穆西納站在他的衣櫃前輕描淡寫對我們說他這得來不易的第248勝.對248勝的老穆來說這場5又2/3局不失分,被打5支安打,送出一K及3次保送的勝投.對照過往的輝煌紀錄中當然是微不足道.這裡用了savor(英式savour),"If you savour an experience, you enjoy it as much as you can.","If you savour food or drink, you eat or drink it slowly in order to taste its full flavour and to enjoy it properly."來描述他對這場勝投的感覺.不只是回味還細細品嚐,真的有寒日飲冰水,點滴在心頭那種味道,"Simply put",老將還是保持他王牌的冷靜姿態,說很高興能對球隊有貢獻.

"We’ve got to keep winning ballgames," Mussina said. "We can’t afford to send somebody out there who’s going to give up six or seven runs in the first three innings."

"I think I just reminded them that I’m still here and I think I can still pitch,” Mussina said. “Hopefully, the guys making those decisions will give me a chance to get back out there a couple more times."提醒教練團他還在而且他覺得自己還能投.希望那些做決定的給他個機會讓他還能再上場個幾次,聽老穆這樣說還真是有點淒涼.

"Reliever Joba Chamberlain threw 35 pitches, his high for the Yankees, and after a 1-2-3 seventh, he gave up the first run of his career after 16 scoreless innings. It came on a two-out error by third baseman Alex Rodriguez, who threw away a ground ball."Chamberlain中繼投出35球,在洋基出賽最多的一次,完成三上三下的第七局後,他16局無失分的紀錄中止了,雖然不是自責分.由A Rod 在兩人出局後發生的失誤造成.不過無失分的紀錄還是中斷了.

"Ninety-nine times out of 100, Al makes that play," Chamberlain said. "We won the game, and that’s all that matters."


Back as a Starter, Mussina Helps Yanks Win Seventh Straight.
straight:Uninterrupted; consecutive
   sick for five straight days; their fourth straight victory.


This time was different. Starting on Wednesday because of the elbow injury to Roger Clemens, Mussina shut out the Toronto Blue Jays over five and two-thirds innings, lifting the Yankees to a 4-1 victory that ran their winning streak to seven.

winning streak
A series of consecutive successes, a run of good luck, as in Our son-in-law has been on a winning streak with his investments. This expression comes from gambling. [Mid-1900s]

Mussina : 38歲 生涯247勝 英雄遲暮


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