Yankees 9, Devil Rays 6
Kennedy’s Debut a Success for Yankees
寫這篇文其實隱含的投資報酬率是很高的,如果Ian Kennedy之後失敗了,那我記載了一個消逝的彗星;如果他成功了,那我目睹了巨星的誕生.
這篇的作者是Judy Battista, 是不知道是不是Tyler Kepner休假代班,我查了下Judy小姐的作品似乎以NFL居多,不同的作者也讓我們看看不同的風格.
Ian Kennedy, who made his first major league start yesterday, sat in the Yankees’ clubhouse a few hours before his first pitch at Yankee Stadium, focusing on one thing: Don’t be in awe. One by one, the players he had seen on television came by to shake his hand, and when Johnny Damon approached, Kennedy greeted him with wide-eyed wonder.
美夢成真的場景很多,不過上大聯盟當先發投手,無疑是超級稀有又珍貴的經驗.在Ian Kennedy登板前的幾個小時,想必他的心情一定非常複雜."Don’t be in awe."讓我們看看awe這個字的英文解釋"If you are awed by someone or something, they make you feel respectful and amazed, though often rather frightened." 讓你敬畏,這對Kennedy的心情真的是最佳寫照.
登板投球前另一個震撼教育來了.真可是令我羨慕到不行的震撼教育."One by one, the players he had seen on television came by to shake his hand, and when Johnny Damon approached, Kennedy greeted him with wide-eyed wonder." 一個接一個這些電視上看過的球員來和他握手,當他看見Johnny Damon走過來時訝異得張大了眼睛.這個不知道是因為他很喜歡Johnny Damon還是因為Johnny Damon打第一棒.要是我可以跟洋基第一棒到第九棒握手的話我應該會開心到睡不著吧.然後穿件白底色洋基條紋T-shirt讓他們全部幫我簽名.以上是我的白日夢,有夢最美,對吧.
22歲的Kennedy前面的路還很長,他目前適應的不錯,驚滔駭浪的初登場以洋基9比3打敗水手作收.這也保證他有第二次先發的機會."Working methodically, Kennedy held the Devil Rays to three runs, one earned, in seven innings." Kennedy的投球風格被用methodically 形容,非常有條不紊且穩定的投球內容,我想是他這場球受到大家欣賞的地方.
這裡插播一段文法提醒,這種前面放動名詞片語的句子,他的主詞必須要跟後面的主要子句相同,是誰Working methodically,是Kennedy所以這句是沒有問題的,這裡從書上抄個錯誤的例子給大家看.
Hearing a number of entertaining stories,our visit was thoroughly enjoyable.
這句話就有問題,是誰Hearing,以語意上來看是we而不是our visit.所以這個句子要正確可以改成
Hearing a number of entertaining stories, we had a thoroughly enjoyable visit.
He grew stronger and his control finer as the game and the Yankees’ lead lengthened, retiring the side in order in the seventh inning and striking out his final batter, Josh Paul, on three pitches. When Kennedy walked into the dugout after the seventhinning, his new teammates engulfed him in handshakes of congratulations. He said he got chills.
Kennedy is not an overpowering pitcher like his fellow rookie Joba Chamberlain, although Kennedy’s first pitch was clocked at 96 miles an hour, a number he laughed at and attributed to adrenaline. “The first inning felt like an out-of-body experience,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy不是同梯新人Joba Chamberlain那種火球人,雖然測速槍測到他的第一球達到96 m.p.h.他自己笑稱那是腎上腺素的功勞,第一局整個像是靈魂出竅一樣.
球探報告裡強調Kennedy超乎常人的沉穩而他這場比賽也沒令人失望,大聯盟比賽瞬息萬變,A Rod幫他打了兩分領先,後來又失誤讓他遇到一陣亂流.不過失兩分後他仍能穩住陣腳.
“It comes back to his poise,” Torre said of Kennedy. “He seemed very prepared to pitch this game. You had to be impressed.” "他回到他原有的沉穩," Torre 對Kennedy這樣評論. "他對投這場比賽看來胸有成竹,讓人印象深刻."
有趣的意氣之爭還沒結束,A Rod在第三局要上場打擊時,魔鬼魚的教練以牙還牙的要求檢查他的棒子,A Rod本身不置可否,不過接下來A Rod每次打擊都似乎在呼應說,"換了棒子結果呢?一樣每次打擊都打出去." A Rod這場比賽四支三有兩支是新棒子打的,其中包括一支2分打點的2壘安打.