2007年11月26日 星期一


Affordable Europe: Barcelona(原文連結)
Published: April 22, 2007

對於西班牙存在我腦海裡的刻板印象不外乎下列幾項:鬥牛,跟牛比賽跑的節日,佛朗明哥舞,巴塞隆納奧運,Paul Gasol(NBA 灰熊隊球員)艷陽高照,西班牙無敵艦隊(雖然台灣以前的歷史課本強調的是他被英國打敗哪段) 塞萬提斯與他的作品堂吉訶德Don Quixote,西班牙海鮮飯裡面要放番紅花(旅遊頻道美食節目看的) 還有我三年級第二外語想修西文,可是練不會打前舌怎麼辦!


Barcelona is the ultimate walking city. So much can be seen from the street — from Gaudí's modernist treasures to the wild social scene along the open boulevards — flâneurs can momentarily forget that this is the most expensive city in Spain. Still, there are a number veritable steals to be had in this Mediterranean city.

ver·i·ta·ble (vĕr'ĭ-tə-bəl)
Being truly so called; real or genuine:
Her tea … was set forth with as much grace as if she had been a veritable guest to her own self” (Mary Wilkins Freeman).

flâ·neur (flä-nûr')

An aimless idler; a loafer.
[French, from flâner, to idle about, stroll, of Germanic origin.]

Where to Stay

Travelers have long believed there are only two options for sleeping in Barcelona: backpacker hostels or luxury high rises, and never the twain shall meet. Challenging that premise, the Chic and Basic company (www.chicandbasic.com,) gives travelers three low-cost options: hotel, hostel and rental apartments sprinkled across downtown from Born (carrer Princesa, 50;, 34-93-295-4652) to Plaza Catalunya (Calle Tallers, 82; 34-93-302-5183) to Gotico (Calle Estruch, 20;34-93-200-2588.). Hostel rates start at 75 euros for a double; 55 euros for a single (about $102 and $75 at $1.36 to the euro); the hotel goes up a notch to between 110 and 210 euros per night. All rooms are very bright, very white — with an eye to sound design (iPod docks and television music channels) and basic needs, which in the jargon of Euro-travelers means bottles of water, plasma televisions and Internet access. In the hotel and hostel, there are small shared kitchenettes. Just down the street from Chic and Basic Born, Ciutat Barcelona (Carrer Princesa, 35; 34-93-269-7475; www.ciutathotels.com), has minimalist rooms with tall French windows that begin at 95 euros with free high-speed Internet connections and plasma TVs. A roof deck has an itty-bitty pool. A few new apartment rental companies provide Ikea-basic apartments for two to four people in high-end locations. At the newcomer Decimononico (Calle Pescatería, 1; 34-93-319-1661; www.decimononico.com) apartment rentals in Born begin at 65 euros a person for a double.

長久以來遊客們相信在巴塞隆納過夜只有兩種選擇:背包客青年旅館或是豪華頂級旅館,是永遠不相容的兩個極端.the Chic and Basic公司挑戰這個迷思,給遊客三種經濟的選擇:建了飯店,青年旅館及出租公寓散佈於
Born (carrer Princesa, 50;, 34-93-295-4652)到 Plaza Catalunya (Calle Tallers, 82; 34-93-302-5183)還有 Gotico (Calle Estruch, 20;34-93-200-2588.) 青年旅館從雙人房一晚75歐元起跳;單人房則是55歐元(1歐元兌1.36美金時,約102美金與75美金);飯店則更高一等級每晚從110-220歐元不等.所有房間都很明亮很潔白—設計中還包含了音響部份(iPod的船塢:外接音響,及音樂頻道)以及其他基本需求,以歐洲遊客的專業術語來說包含了瓶裝水,電漿電視還有網際網路.在飯店與青年旅館裡有共用的小型廚房.順著Chic and Basic Born所在這條街向下走,Ciutat Barcelona (Carrer Princesa, 35; 34-93-269-7475; www.ciutathotels.com),提供有著高法國式窗戶的簡約風格房間,包含免費高速上網及電漿電視,每晚95歐元起跳.頂樓有個很小的泳池.有些新的出租公寓公司則在高級地段提供適合2到4個人住的˙Ikea風公寓.新公司Decimononico (Calle Pescatería, 1; 34-93-319-1661; www.decimononico.com) 再Born一個給兩人住的公寓每晚每人65歐元起跳.

twain (twān)
n. & adj. & pron.

[Middle English tweien, twaine, from Old English twēgen.]

prem·ise (prĕm'ĭs)
n. also prem·iss (prĕm'ĭs)
1. A proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn.
2. Logic.
1. One of the propositions in a deductive argument.
2. Either the major or the minor proposition of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is drawn.

sprin·kle (sprĭng'kəl) pronunciation
v., -kled, -kling, -kles.
1. To scatter in drops or particles: sprinkled sugar on the cereal.
2. To scatter drops or particles on.
3. To intersperse with something as if by scattering: sprinkled his speech with quotations.
4. To distribute or intersperse at random.

eye to, with an

With a view of, with a plan for. For example, With an eye to expansion, we'll have to be careful with expenses, or She always operates with an eye to the future. [Late 1300s]

min·i·mal·ist (mĭn'ə-mə-lĭst)
1. One who advocates a moderate or conservative approach, action, or policy, as in a political or governmental organization.
2. A practitioner of minimalism.
1. Of, relating to, characteristic of, or in the style of minimalism.
2. Being or providing a bare minimum of what is necessary.

Where to Eat

Away from the crowds in the popular L'Eixample area you'll find cutting-edge and affordable Me, (Carrer de Paris, 162; 34-93 4194-933; www.catarsiscuisine.com) a seven-month-old hybrid of New Orleans, Vietnamese and Catalan cooking created by Thang Pham. A four-course lunch menu is 14 euros. At Mosquito (Carders, 46; 34-93-268-7569), tucked away on a Born side street, tapas for 2 to euros apiece are made with an Indian or Asian twist. The Museum of Contemporary Art (Macba) flipped the neighborhood around Carrer Doctor Dou and brought in some cool new restaurants. Carmelitas (Carrer Doctor Dou, 1; 34-93-412-4684) is a lofty space with basement prices for traditional Catalan tapas. On the Barceloneta waterfront, hole-in-the wall Bar Venta Manchego draws a daytime crowd seeking big plates of fried sardines (6.50 euros) and other seafood specialties.

離開熱門的L'Eixample區人群遠處,你可以找到又棒又經濟的Me(Carrer de Paris, 162; 34-93 4194-933; www.catarsiscuisine.com),一家剛開幕七個月由Thang Pham一手打造提供綜合紐澳良式,越式及加泰羅尼亞式料理的餐廳.一套四道菜的午餐要價14歐元.在Mosquito (Carders, 46; 34-93-268-7569),位於Born的側街這間餐廳大快朵頤,印度或亞洲風味的tapa每片從2歐元起跳.Museum of Contemporary Art (Macba)當代藝術博物館帶動了Carrer Doctor Dou附近的發展並帶來了些很酷的新飯店.Carmelitas (Carrer Doctor Dou, 1; 34-93-412-4684) 是個以低消費享受加泰羅尼亞式tapa卻很高檔的地方.在Barceloneta港區,不顯眼的Bar Venta Manchego白天吸引了許多喜愛大盤炸沙丁魚的及其他海鮮特殊料理的客群.

Cutting edge has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: the position of greatest advancement; the leading position in any movement or field
Synonyms: vanguard, forefront
Meaning #2: the sharp cutting side of the blade of a knife
Synonym: knife edge

tuck away or into
1. Informal.
2. To consume (food) heartily.

loft·y (lôf'tē, lŏf'-)
adj., -i·er, -i·est.

1. Of imposing height.
2. Elevated in character; exalted.
3. Affecting grandness; pompous.
4. Arrogant; haughty.

hole in the wall
A small, modest, or obscure place, as in My new apartment is just a hole in the wall, or Believe it or not, that little hole in the wall is a great restaurant. This graphic term is often used disparagingly. [First half of 1800s]

Where to Shop

If you happen to hit the city during the July sales, you can find designer clothing at 80 percent off retail prices. Last July at high-end Como Agua de Mayo (Carrer Argentería, 43; 34-93-310-6441), which sells hot new Spanish, Basque and Catalan designers (like Miriam Ocariz), a red leather clutch was marked down 85 percent. For those looking for unusual women's wear, newcomer Garden (Carrer Escudellers, 56; www.akepica.com) sells one-of-kind designer jackets and A-line skirts, for a mere 30 euros apiece. Along Carrer Avinyo, small shops display everything from schlock to designer at wallet-friendly prices.

如果你剛好在七月拍賣的時候來這個城市,你可以買到用零售價2折出售的設計師品牌服飾.去年七月在高級的 Como Agua de Mayo (Carrer Argentería, 43; 34-93-310-6441), 有著最新最流行的西班牙風,巴斯克風及加泰羅尼亞風設計師的產品,一只Miriam Ocariz的紅色皮革提包打到1.5折.對那些追求特殊品味女裝的顧客來說,新的賣場Garden (Carrer Escudellers, 56; www.akepica.com)賣風格獨特的設計師外套及A字裙只要不到30歐元一件.沿著Carrer Avinyo路,許多小店鋪陳列各式各樣從便宜貨到設計師品牌的產品.而且定價對你的錢包相當友善.

schlock also shlock (shlŏk) Slang.
Something, such as merchandise or literature, that is inferior or shoddy.
Of inferior quality; cheap or shoddy.

Best Money-Saving Tip

Unlimited travel cards for two to five consecutive days (9.60 to 20.80 euros) can be purchased online (www.tmb.net) good for Barcelona's extensive bus, tram and subway network. But before you whip out the credit card, consider the T10 travel card, which buys 10 trips on buses or the metro for only 6.90 euros. Add to that the 20-euro Articket (www.telentrada.com and for sale in participating galleries), which buys entry into practically every major art museum and gallery in town.

想對付巴塞隆納昂貴的巴士,街車及地鐵票價,可以上網購買2-5天的不限乘坐次數的旅行卡(www.tmb.net)但是在你刷卡前,再考慮下T10旅遊卡,可以搭任意10趟巴士或大眾交通工具只要6.9歐元.另外還有20歐元的Articket(www.telentrada.com線上購買或是在有加入的各美術館畫廊購買) 購買這張票非常實惠,可以參觀城裡每個主要的藝術博物館及畫廊.

trolley car

A streetcar.

這篇文章比我想像的要麻煩多了,首先我對於西班牙另外兩種官方語言完全沒有認知,另外這個記者比起前一個寫阿姆斯特丹的喜歡用比較特別的表示法.該說他verbal呢還是wordy.我想我還不夠格評論native speaker寫的文章.不過可以看出平平是阿凸仔,也是有人比較愛賣弄文筆,


36 Hours in Amsterdam

6 則留言:

匿名 提到...


Scott 提到...


匿名 提到...

還有flâneur是法文, 辭典文章中也有解釋到.
打舌可以先在r前加上一齒區子音, 先由trrrrr開始練, 彈出來後改drrrrr, 上手以後再試r.
不過其實如果其他的音發的好, 不會打舌也沒有關係.

Scott 提到...


Dubwoman 提到...


匿名 提到...

真是羨慕 ^^

連結你為好友啦 ><

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