Topless Girls! (And Other Things Far Too Wildly Hilarious to Mention)(原文連結)
台灣片商根據劇情把這部片命名為"倒數第二個男朋友".,這部片是以限制級在台灣上映,看NYT這篇影評的標題,會讓人覺得這個很值得一看,為什麼?大家都知道,當然是為了Jessica Alba ,衝著標題上的"Topless Girls!",女神艾芭也,讓人充滿了憧憬不是嗎?
不過相信以前混過光華商場,曾經為了不輕易破壞與女性同胞純真情誼,將體力與金錢花在日本妹動作片的宅男們都了解,光碟封面與內容常常是有出入的.你問我說難道這部片裡面會沒有艾芭女神的鏡頭嗎?當然不可能這樣騙錢,不過Topless Girls!可不是Topless Jassica!如果只是打算去看潔西卡艾芭裸露鏡頭的話,可能會大失所望,至於Topless Girls(複數也),看過婚禮終結者 Wedding Crashers的可以回想一下,那個大概不到5分鐘的胸部花絮,基本上應該是差不多的手法,藉由前段的養眼畫面,來鋪陳對比這個喜劇後續的追求真愛,強調其實性不是所有,大部分的美式性喜劇不管前面多麼酒池肉林多麼沉溺於感官的享樂,都還是會導向一個道德上的正途而不至於離經叛道.畢竟,商業片還是要賺錢,引來輿論的撻伐或是衛道人士的抗議對票房並沒有好處.
從這個標題Topless Girls! (And Other Things Far Too Wildly Hilarious to Mention)看來,似乎這位影評覺得這片真是太好笑了,這個在形容喜劇片常用的字一定要介紹一下.
If something is hilarious, it is extremely funny and makes you laugh a lot.
例句:We thought it was hilarious when we first heard about it...
The weather is too hot to work. (天氣太熱了,所以無法工作。)
It's too dangerous to drive fast on the busy roads. (在交通忙碌的街道上開快車,實在是太危險了。)
I’ve occasionally heard Dane Cook, one of the stars of “Good Luck Chuck,” described as a comedian. I find this confusing, since my understanding is that comedians are people who say and do things that are funny. Perhaps Mr. Cook is some new kind of conceptual satirist whose shtick is to behave in the manner of a person attempting to be funny without actually being, you know, funny. Or maybe he answered an ad in the back of a magazine and sent away for a mail-order license to practice comedy.
"我無意間聽說Dane Cook是個喜劇演員,我對此感到困惑,從我的認知喜劇演員是說話或是行為好笑的人."可真嚴厲,雖然後面有說也許他屬於那類試圖搞笑但是並不真正搞笑的,不過最後的比喻超級狠.回答了雜誌封底的問題並回函申請一張表演喜劇的執照.
Whether Jessica Alba, his co-star, acquired her acting credentials by similar means is an issue that will be addressed if she ever tries to act. To be fair (but why?) she does expend a little effort in “Good Luck Chuck,” pretending to be goofy and clumsy, doing stuff like running into a metal pole, catching her skirt in a car door and upending a tray of dentist’s instruments.
很顯然的,艾芭女神的美色沒有讓影評對他好點,他質疑Jassica是否有試著去用演技詮釋(if she ever tries to act.),
"acquired her acting credentials"意指爭取對他演技的認同,by similar means is an issue同樣(跟男主角類似的情況)令人爭議
我只能說作者真是壞,The author is really good at mocking.他對取笑人很有一套.他說好吧公平點(為什麼要?),Jassica有那麼一點點努力在片中表現 goofy和clumsy(這兩個字用來形容喜劇角色算是種稱讚),做些撞柱子,裙子被車門夾住,打翻東西的表演.所以女主角也被說的一文不值.
goofy:If you describe someone or something as goofy, you think they are rather silly or ridiculous. (INFORMAL)
clumsy:A clumsy person moves or handles things in a careless, awkward way, often so that things are knocked over or broken.
But the main audience for this dim little sex comedy has no particular interest in seeing Ms. Alba act. They want to see her in her underwear and also to confront one of the central cultural questions of our time: will she take her top off?
然後作者大大的嘲諷了這部片,片中有很多沒有名氣的女星露胸部,讓這部片成為有訂閱Maxim卻沒有網路的年輕人必看的片(這傢伙嘴真是毒).觀眾中相當大部分應該都是幻想能跟艾芭女神上床的傢伙.不過這些付了費的消費者會像之前某部紀錄片"The Game"(抱歉這個我常識不夠請去原文連結看)的觀眾一樣 -- 以為也許有機會看到(who think they might really have a shot).
依這位影評的看法這部片顯示了即使是低俗搞笑劇(lowbrow comedy)也需要技巧與智慧.這部片卻只提供了乳房笑話,陽具笑話並充斥了無新意的點子.
Chuck (that would be Mr. Cook) suffers under a curse that causes every woman he goes to bed with to fall in love with the next guy who asks her out.
最後一句,影評毒舌的傑作.But if the logic of “Good Luck Chuck” holds, the next movie I see should be a masterpiece.