2007年8月21日 星期二

"The Bourne Ultimatum" VOA Report Translated by Scott

Matt Damon Returns as Hero in 'The Bourne Ultimatum'
麥特戴蒙 再度於 神鬼認證:最後通牒以英雄身分登場
By Alan Silverman Hollywood04 August 2007
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Matt Damon is back as undercover agent Jason Bourne in a new espionage action-adventure based on the best-selling books by Robert Ludlum. Alan Silverman spoke with the stars and filmmaker Paul Greengrass for this look at The Bourne Ultimatum.

麥特戴蒙再度演出改編自Robert Ludlum暢銷的間諜動作冒險小說裡的臥底探員Jason Bourne. Alan Silverman 訪問戲中明星及製片人Paul Greengrass 對本片"The Bourne Ultimatum"的看法.

Jason Bourne is good at what he does ...deadly good. The trouble is, he is not sure why and not sure who he is. As was explained in the earlier films - 2002's The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy two years later - he is a highly-trained CIA operative; but the secret program that turned him into an assassin erased his memory. As bits and pieces of it start to resurface, he is now more of a liability than an asset to the his former bosses in the agency.

Jason Bourne對他的專業非常的拿手...拿手的"要命". 問題是他不清楚他是誰和他為什麼是他.如同前兩部曲-2002年神鬼認證及兩年後的神鬼疑雲-所揭露出來的真相,他是個訓練精良的CIA探員;但是一個讓他成為刺客的秘密任務消去了他的記憶.當這些片段開始浮出水面,對他局裡的前老闆來說他已經是個燙手山芋而不是個助力了.

Of course, Bourne is a product of the best training they could give him; so stopping him is no easy task. As they are trying to kill him, he is trying to shed light on the secret and illegal operation that turned him into a killer.


Matt Damon says playing Bourne again was made easier by the way the story develops as the training-induced amnesia begins to wear off; and, the actor admits, the action can be fun.


"The whole thing is, in away, this middle-aged fantasy. Okay, I get bonked on the head and I wake up and I speak 12 languages and this really cool German girl falls in love with me so, to a certain extent, it's a little bit of wish fulfillment, but it's a fun role to play," he says.


It also looks like it can be physically punishing as Bourne uses his fists as well as his wits. The dirty little Hollywood secret, according to Damon, is that the exciting fight scenes are some of the most tedious to shoot. "Well, it's very, very technical. It's seven moves or whatever and we just do it over and over again until someone at the monitor would say 'okay, good!' It's just incredibly technical and boring, actually. The fun is when you get a take and it looks really brutal and vicious and (afterward) you are laughing and saying 'oh, it looks great,' but in terms of being challenging mentally, it is not. It's like watching paint dry," says Damon.

當Bourne使用他拳頭如同他動腦一樣,看起來應該在體能上也會相當操.小小的好萊塢骯髒秘密,據戴蒙的說法,就是那些刺激的格鬥場景其實是拍攝起來最枯燥的. "好吧,那真的非常非常的機械化.大概7個動作或是其他一些,我們只是一遍又一遍的做直到監視器前的某個人說'OK,很好!'這整個過程真的是不可思議的單調和無聊.樂趣在於拍完一個場景後效果看起來真的很野蠻激烈,你會大笑說'噢,那看起來真棒,'但是就心理上並沒有挑戰感.有點像看著油漆等它乾," 戴蒙說.

Of course, sometimes that paint barely has time to dry in the hyper-thrilling, but also achingly realistic chases through New York, Paris, London and Tangier. Director Paul Greengrass, who also made the second film of the series, The Bourne Supremacy, is better-known for documentaries and films that deal with contemporary social issues, like last year's acclaimed United 93. The English-born film-maker says after that intense dramatization of events on 9/11, he saw The Bourne Ultimatum as a refreshing change.

當然,有時候節奏快到連油漆都還來不及乾在這橫跨越紐約巴黎倫敦和Tangier間的超級刺激卻又逼真到令人喘不過氣的追逐.導演Paul Greengrass,他也是這系列第二作神鬼疑雲的導演,以導紀錄片及處理當代社會議題的影片而著稱,例如去年受到爭議的"聯航93".這個英國出身的製片家說在處理過911事件緊張的戲劇化後,他把最後通牒看作是個重新出發的改變.

"I love doing them and there is a bit of every film maker where you want to 'strut your stuff.' You want to to get out and do the car chase and the fight and the chase," he says. "Also, it's thrilling to connect with a mass audience. I've only ever done it the one time with The Bourne Supremacy."

"我喜歡拍片而且你知道的每個拍片的都會有點想'秀秀自己的本事.' 你想要走出去拍飛車追逐,打鬥還有追逐," 他說. "另外,跟大批的觀眾結合在一起非常刺激.我只有在拍神鬼疑雲的時候做過一次."

As much as possible, Greengrass says he takes the film out of what he calls the isolation of the movie set as he puts the action in the middle of real-world locations like the streets of New York or London's Waterloo Station.


"You can't close down Waterloo Station," he explains. "It's the biggest station in London and about 300,000 people go through it an hour. You get problems with that, of course, but what you get to compensate for that is this tremendous rush of energy: the raw energy of life really unfolding around you and it's the same in Waterloo or Tangier or New York. It creates this energized, vibrant, authentic landscape that the real character can move through."

"你不可能關閉Waterloo地鐵站,"他解釋說."它是倫敦最大的地鐵站一小時有30萬人次進出.你當然會因此碰到些問題,但是你所得到的回報是巨大的動能湧現:原始的生活能量真正的開展在你面前就如同它在Waterloo或 Tangier或紐約的現場一樣.這種動能造就了這種充滿能量,熱烈,獨特的真實的角色可以穿梭其中的地標"

The Bourne Ultimatum also features David Strathairn as the CIA official who wants to eliminate the problem by eliminating Bourne. Joan Allen, reprises her role from the second film as the dedicated CIA officer who wants to keep Bourne alive; and Julia Stiles is also back as the analyst who becomes Bourne's ally.

一起演出神鬼認證:最後通牒的還有David Strathairn飾演想要藉由終結Bourne來終結問題的CIA官員.Joan Allen,接續她第二作演認真執著的CIA官員,她想要保留Bourne的活口;還有Julia Stiles 也繼續演上集出現的分析人員,這次她成為Bourne的盟友.

"What is interesting about these movies is that they don't deal with good guys and bad guys; it is the choices that those characters make that makes you label them good or bad," Stiles says.
Also in the cast: Albert Finney, Scott Glenn and Paddy Considine. The Bourne Ultimatum was filmed at locations ranging from North Africa to Europe and America.

這系列電影有趣的地方在於它們不去著墨於好人與壞人;是這些角色做的決定去讓你把他們貼上好或壞的標籤,"Stiles 說.演員卡司還包含Albert Finney, Scott Glenn 和 Paddy Considine.神鬼認證:最後通牒拍攝的地點包含了從北非到歐洲以及美國.


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