2011年5月2日 星期一

BBC 紙片人動畫學英文: The Flatmates 第3集 In the Pub

BBC全文解說及補充資料Episode 3: At the pub

to buy a round (v):
                 often when people are in a group, each person takes it in turn to buy drinks for
                 everyone in the group

這課簡單的把啤酒分成lager (fizzy and light) or bitter (non-fizzy and dark).
                                         lager=有泡泡比較淡,   bitter=沒泡泡比較厚
真的對喝酒很有興趣的可以參閱英文版 Esquire 君子 調酒酒譜資料庫

形容酒可以透過顏色(red or white 紅酒或白酒...)或味道(sweet or dry 甜或苦澀)
dry wine/sherry etc
                wine etc that is not sweet :
                a glass of dry white wine  一杯口味偏澀的白酒
                Enjoy the beer’s bitter taste as you slowly drink it.

a glass of bitter white wine=一杯苦澀的白葡萄酒 (嗯,還不錯。)

Google 翻譯dry

另外Tim稱呼Alice "love",這是不正式的稱呼,

What does Michal say next?
1: She's beautiful.
2: She reminds me of my mother.
3: She's not my type really.

下面啤酒類相關單字來自 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:
beer a general word for an alcoholic drink made from malt and hops :
          a bottle of beer | Let’s go and have a beer in the pub.

lager a light-coloured beer, which often has a lot of bubbles in it :
          A pint of lager, please.

ale a type of beer which is usually sold in a bottle or a can :
          Beers and fine ales were brewed here for over a hundred years. | Newcastle Brown Ale

draught beer British English , draft beer American English beer that is served from a large
            container rather than a bottle, especially good quality beer :
           The pub serves a range of draught beers.
real ale British English beer that has been made in the, traditional way, not in a large factory:  
           The pub has real ale and live music most nights.

bitter British English a type of dark strong beer that is popular in Britain :
            I'll have a pint of bitter.

shandy a drink made of beer mixed with lemonade :
            I'd better have a shandy - I'm driving. 

cider an alcoholic drink made from apples :
            His clothes were old and dirty, and he stank of cider.

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